Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homework 2/29

  • ELA:  study spelling and vocab
  • Math:
    • Logical measuring pages (back of our class work, and the top half of the other sheet)
    • BONUS:  conversions #6-12
    • Study standard conversions for quiz tomorrow.
  • Science:
    • Review vocab
Send in field trip forms!  Still looking for 2 chaperones as well! :)

Science study guide

Test is:_____________ Name______________

Heat Study Guide

Write the definition for the vocabulary words:

1.     Heat_______________________________________________________________


2.    Friction _________________________________________________________________


3.    Conduction _______________________________________________________________


4.    Temperature_________________________________________________________


5.    Conductor___________________________________________________________


6.    Insulator____________________________________________________________


7.    Celsius_____________________________________________________________


8.    Insulation___________________________________________________________


9.    Thermal Energy_______________________________________________________


Answer these questions in complete sentences:

10. What happens when an object is heated?



11.  How do you use heat? Give an example and explain.



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Announcements/Homework 2/28

  • Practice spelling words at home
  • Front and back of page 1in nonfiction text practice

  • HOTS POW Tuesday task
  • Study conversions:
  • Measuring page
    • Length Conversions: Customary (Standard) Measures
      1 foot = 12 inches
      1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches
      1 mile = 5,280 feet = 1,760 yards
  • Study heat vocab - test on Friday
  • We also have a guest speaker coming in to talk about Heat from Georgia Power on Friday! Wahoo!
  • I am still looking for 3 chaperones for Fernbank!
  • We are good for food supplies, but we still need a pot to use for our experiment tomorrow!
  • Food drive donations are still being accepted - our donations keep growing!! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Announcements/HW Monday 2/27

  • Study spelling and practice in cursive
  • Pink-study vocab (green is the same from last week)
  • HOTS POW Monday task
  • Logical measurement page f/b (do not have to do perimeter question #7 on one side!)
  • Study vocab:  the kids made vocab flashcards today - please study them daily because the majority of the test is vocabulary based.
  • We will be doing various experiments with heat this week.  I will be modeling conduction and physical and chemical changes!  We would love some supplies - we need them by Wedndesday please!
    • Someone close, can we borrow a pot for making spaghetti (that will be good to make rice krispy treats in!!)
    • 1 box of rice krispy cereal (or store brand, whatever!)
    • 2 bags of marshmallows (we will prob have to do 2 batches!)
    • Jiffy pop (the old fashioned popcorn that you heat over the stove)
    • I will bring in the other goodies!
  • Our health unit is on nutrition and good choices - a salubrious topic, wahoooo!!!  Please involve your kids in food choices and discuss why we make them!
  • We celebrate fresh fruits and veggies every day at snack, so I encourage some fresh and healthy if possible! 

Odds and Ends:
  • Recycling day is Thursday - wear green! 
  • Food drive is going on till Thursday - we are up to about 150 items! YAY!  Let's keep it up!!
  • You can turn in Six Flags tomorrow still!
Quiz/Test dates:
  • Simple Conversions Quiz Wednesday (remember no TAG this week again)
  • Science and pink reading vocab on Thursday
  • Spelling test and Science test, math quiz on measurement on Friday
  • Green - no vocab test this week, but will have comprehension test on Thursday or Friday - depends when we finish the book!
  • Pink will have quizzes as we finish each section, but will not have a comprehension test this week.

Looking for a few good.... CHAPERONES!!

We are preparing for our field trip to Fernbank on Thursday, March 15.  You would need be available from 8:30-1:00pm!  Email me if you are interested and we can discuss!

Science Studying

Heat Vocabulary Practice
Thermal Energy

1.                                                the measure of how hot or cold something is

2.                                               material used to slow the movement
of heat

3.                                               the movement of heat between objects that are touching each other

4.                                               A force between two moving objects that slows the objects and produces heat

5.                                             An object that heat can move through easily

6.                                               An object that does not conduct heat well

7.                                               The metric scale for measuring temperature

8.                                               The movement of thermal energy from hotter to cooler objects

9.                                             The form of energy that moves particles of matter

Friday, February 24, 2012

HOTS videos on YouTube

For privacy reasons, these videos are unlisted and can only be reached by the links listed here!

The children were challenged to persuade people to use HOTS (higher order thinking skills), why HOTS make you smarter, and how to apply HOTS.  This assignment integrated our writing skill, HOTS, technology, creativity and innovation as well as engaging of higher order thinking skills to discuss why they are integral to our learning.  The kids were also demonstrating creativity in the classroom by grouping themselves and writing original skits and pieces. 

Please realize I do not condone unsupervised youtube use, nor do I have anything to do with the videos that pop up after each viewing of your child's video.  Please use discretion..... now onto the FUN!!!

Bring on the presentations!!!!

Announcements/Next week's curriculum notes!

  • You may still turn in Six Flags reading logs on Monday! So far, only 8 kids have taken advantage of this!
  • This week was very off given our 4 day week and checkpoints testing.  Next week will return to somewhat normal, although we have two days of checkpoints testing and still no TAG while schoolwide testing is taking. 
  • Food drive is still going on until Wednesday! We would love to double the 100 items we have now!!
For ELA, both groups are still in novels.  We will finish Jigsaw Jones with green, and work to finish Dear Mr. Henshaw with pink group.   

Pink group:

Dear Mr. Henshaw

Spelling Words                 


Vocabulary Words

Segment Four (pp.99-134)

antique – an object of an earlier period; especially : a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period

flitting – to move or progress in a quick irregular manner  

grove – a small wood; especially : a group of trees without underbrush <an orange grove>

quivering - to move with a slight shaking motion

villains - evil people

demonstration – an act, process, or means of showing the truth of something

invention – something created


Jigsaw Jones
The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster

Week 2 – Vocab remains the same!
Spelling Words


Vocabulary Words

constrictor –a type of snake that
kills their prey by wrapping their bodies around them and squeezing

evidence –    facts or signs that help one find out the truth or come to a conclusion

journal –       a record that is kept
on a regular basis

phony –        not genuine; fake

research –   careful study of a
subject or problem

suspect –     to think that someone
is or maybe guilty without proof

Science - Heat Unit - 5 days:  Test on Friday

Heat                              5 days
S3P1: Physical Science: Students will investigate how heat is produced and the effects of heating and cooling, and will understand a change in temperature indicates a change in heat.
SCI.3.S3P1.a: Categorize ways to produce heat energy such as burning, rubbing (friction), and mixing one thing with another.
SCI.3.S3P1.b: Investigate how insulation affects heating and cooling.
SCI.3.S3P1.c: Investigate the transfer of heat energy from the sun to various materials.
SCI.3.S3P1.d: Use thermometers to measure the changes in temperatures of water samples (hot, warm, cold) over time.
How does heat move?
How can you generate heat?
How is a change in heat measured?
How do you conserve heat?

Math Time Practice Websites:
Time/ Elapsed Time

Math Section:
  • We are on section two of our math unit, measuring and converting units.  Students need to measure to the nearest 1/4 and 1/2 inch, so please practice at home as this can be difficult, especially depending on the ruler!
  • We will be converting units:  they will have this simple quiz on Wednesday (remember, no TAG again this week), then a longer measurement quiz on Thursday. Length Conversions: Customary (Standard) Measures
  • 1 foot = 12 inches
    1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches
    1 mile = 5,280 feet = 1,760 yards
    yard = yd.
    mile = mi.
    foot/feet = ft. or 1 apostrophe after the number*
    inch/inches = in. or 2 apostrophes after the number*
    *this is used for height:  to say someone is five feet and 2 inches, you write 5’ 2”

    How to Convert:
    ·       To find out how many inches are in a number of feet, multiply by 12
    ·       To find out how many feet are in a number of inches, divide by 12
    ·       To find out how many feet are in a number of yards, multiply by 3
    ·       To find out how many yards are in a number of feet, divide by 3
    * To go from a bigger unit to a smaller unit, multiply!
    *To go from a smaller unit to a bigger unit, divide!
Basic Quiz: 
1 foot = _____ inches
1 yard = _____ feet = _____ inches
1 mile = _____ feet

Bonus:  1 mile = _____ yards
  • Then we will move into perimeter and area!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/23 HW

  • ELA:
    • Study spelling words (contractions)
  • Math:
    • HOTS POW due
  • Tomorrow is picture day! You can change afterwards!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wed. 2/22 Homework

  • ELA:
    • Continue to Brainstorm why we should (or should not!) have alternative/performance assessments at school like we did today (the HOTS video projects)
      • Note:  I am going to see what I can do to share their work with you! The videos were great!!!
    • Study vocab - quiz tomorrow!
  • Math:  pg. 123 f/b and HOTS POW
Picture day is Friday! You must preorder a class picture if you want one! 

Send in Six Flags forms by Friday! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, 2/21 HW

  • ELA:
    • Study vocab and spelling at your own pace
    • Finish advertisement poster
  • Math:
    • Monday and Tuesday's tasks for HOTS POW
  • SS:
    • Study for Thurgood Marshall Test (it's 11 questions, and we have been done with the information for a while now - we just haven't been able to test!) See below.
Thurgood Marshall Study Guide

NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Civil Rights: the basic freedoms that all citizens deserve to have because they are citizens
Boycott: refusing to buy, sell, or use certain goods or services as a way to protest
Segregation: a system of keeping some people separate from others
Freedom of Conscience and Expression: the right to think and say as you wish
Debate: when several people discuss different sides of an issue in a formal way.

Segregation caused rules that kept certain groups of people from mixing with other groups.

Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston became good friends and law partners.  Together, the men worked for justice.

The court case was known as “Brown versus the Board of Education”  allowed African American to attend public schools with white children.

Thurgood Marshall served as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America for 24 years.  Marshall was the first African American to become a Supreme Court judge.
Be able to explain how Thurgood Marshall helped improve civil rights.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Six Flags Read to Succeed
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed is about half way over-this long weekend is a perfect time to get in 6 hours of recreational reading for a FREE Six Flags ticket! 
  • Reading logs are due by 2/24!
  • If you need another reading log/form, please email me!
Study Island

  • Study Island is up to date with various practice assignments for this unit in math, multiplication and division, our 3rd quarter reading focus skills, CRCT review for math and ELA.
  • The website is:
  • Your child's log in and password were sent home in October.  They are first initial.lastname@mbes and the password is mustang unless you changed it (not recommended)
    • For example I would be J.Serafin@mbes
    • Password:  Mustang
    • There are a few exceptions:  email me if you need the log in again!
Picture Day
  • Next Friday, 2/24
  • Email me if you need another order form
  • Class pictures must be pre-ordered.
  • Students will have individual shots that you can return if you do not like or pay upon receiving it
CRCT Online Assessment - Practice
  • The Georgia Department of Education provides a website for students to practice sample CRCT questions called Georgia CRCT Online Assessment System.  The website link is
  • Your child’s username and password are the same.  This form was sent home 2 weeks ago.  Email me if you need the code again.  (it is a long number)
  • Be sure to hold down the control key (Ctrl) before clicking on the login key. 
  • After logging on:
    • Click on View Student Tests or Teacher Assigned Tests
    • Click on a subject
    • Click on a test name 
    • Click on Take a Test
    • Click in the circle in front of your answer choice
    • Use the Next Question button at the bottom to proceed through the test
    • When the test is complete you will receive your score
Food Drive for the Atlanta Food Bank
  • We are currently up to 74 items!  Our goal is 250 by February 29th!
  • to see the website
  • Most needed food items: 
    • Peanut butter
    • canned tuna
    • canned beans
    • canned soups
    • stews
    • pastas
    • 100% fruit juice
    • canned fruits and vegetables
    • macaroni and cheese
    • whole grain, low sugar cereals. 
  • Most needed non-food items: 
    • diapers
    • adult diapers
    • baby wipes
    • feminine hygiene products
    • toilet papaer
    • paper towel
    • toothpaste
    • toothbrushes

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homework, 2/15

Only THREEEE entries have been turned in for Young Author's competition!  So to give more time to those working on submissions, I have drastically decreased homework. 

  • LA: 
    • Young Author's Competition submission
    • study for vocab quiz
    • Redo product brainstorm if it was magical/not real
  • Math: 
    • green group - finish pizza party (only 3 kids were not done)\
    • HOTS POW - We will do the Thursday night task at school together tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, 2/14 HW

Happy Valentine's Day!

  • ELA homework: 
    • Study vocab for Thursday
    • Persuasion homework:  (they have this already, but in case they forgot it) 
      • *Brainstorm an object/creation that you are going to create an advertisement for in class.  Tell me about the item. 
      • *What does it have?  Why should I buy it?  What makes yours better or different?
      • *Remember your elements of persuasion:  Slogans, color, adjectives, picture, target audience, etc.
  • Math:  elapsed time page f/b
  • Progress Skills Checklist Envelope ONLY and Signed papers (home on a Tuesday-wahoo!!!)
  • Young Author's entries due Thursday!
  • Food drive going on!  We are up to 2 1/2 boxes full!  Keep it coming!!  :)

Pink Vocab:
DMH Vocabulary Words

Segment Two (pp. 34-66)

bandana - a large handkerchief usually with a colorful design printed on it

loner - one that avoids others

cautious - marked by or given to caution

partition – separation; an interior dividing wall

broker - a person who acts as an agent in the purchase and sale of property

snitch - a person who snitches; tattletale

fictitious - not real; made up; imaginary

halyard - a rope or tackle for raising and lowering (as a sail)

Green Vocab:

courtesy - being polite and thoughtful

virtue - knowing and doing what is good

sufficient - enough

magistrate - an officer in charge of carrying out the law

conscientious - careful

obstacle - something that hinders progress or achievement

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday HW

Given our 4 day week and the fact that we have not started our next novels yet (Pink is in the middle of Dear Mr. Henshaw and green will be starting a mystery novel tomorrow) to work on a performance task project,  there will be no spelling this week.  Hooray!  :)  We will have spelling the 4 day week we get back, however. 

  • ELA:
    • Finish comma letter
  • Math:
    • HOTS POW Monday task  (please see Friday's post for complete answer examples)
    • AM/PM practice page
    • pg. 46 - green only do front, pink front and back
    • We will be testing time on Thursday.  Tomorrow we will be starting our time study guide.
  • Other:
    • Food drive donations are greatly appreciated!
    • Young Author's Competition entries are due Thursday.
    • Signed papers and Progress Skills Checklist will go home tomorrow.  Only the envelope will need to be returned, the progress skills checklist is yours to keep. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Salubrious Celebration/CDG

Our salubrious celebration was a great success!  They loved all the healthy fruits and vegetables, homemade pumpkin pie dip, and caramel.  Thank you to the parents that sent in extra fruit! 

Pumpkin Pie DipGina's Weight Watcher RecipesServings: 12 Size: 1/2 cup Old Points: 2 pts Points+: 3 pts
Calories: 102.9 • Fat: 0.1g Protein: 1.8 g Carb: 27.7 g Fiber: 0.9 g
  • 15 oz can pumpkin
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar (Splenda would work too) *** I used splenda!
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or more to taste)
  • 6 oz fat free Greek yogurt (I used Chiobani)
  • 8 oz cool whip free
  • cut up apples to dip (extra points)

Mix pumpkin with brown sugar, vanilla and spices, blend well. Mix in yogurt. Fold in cool whip and chill in refrigerator until ready to eat.
Makes about 6 cups.

Maddie and Mrs. Chen shared about the Atlanta Food Bank!
Kids only need to be 8 to volunteer, and I plan to organize something this spring for us to go!

Most needed food items:  Peanut butter, canned tuna, canned beans, canned soups, stews, pastas, 100% fruit juice, canned fruits and vegetables, macaroni and cheese, whole grain, low sugar cereals. 
Most needed non-food items:  diapers, adult diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, toilet papaer, paper towel, toothpaste, toothbrushes.

HOTS POW demonstration/Announcements

  • Please scroll to the bottom to see step by step examples of what 100% HOTS POW answers look like and what I expect from the students.
  • Young Author's Competition entries are due NEXT WEEK!  By Thursday at the latest!
  • Send in any food donations for the Atlanta Food Bank for the next two weeks!  Our goal is 250 items to donate.  My mom also donated $25 to buy food for the food drive in lieu of fancier goody bags for Valentine's Day!
  • Valentine's Day:  We will exchange Valentines on Tuesday!  Participation is not mandatory, but if you do choose to make Valentines, you need to make one for everyone in the class. 
    • Class Lists:  We have 24 students in our home room, 5 kids who come in for math, and 6 that come in for ELA.
    • Valentines for the teacher:  I do not mean to sound presumptuous, but if you were planning on getting me a Valentine, please send in a donation for the food drive instead.  I do not eat treats or candy, so I wouldn't want to waste them.  Thanks!!  :)

Maddie Bernard
Sunny Boya
Xailani Butler
Chris Donnelly
Christian Farris
Alexis Fontana
Kenneth Hartog
Tamao Higashino
Jinmeng Jiang
Mayukh Keelar
Naomi Kolosna
Kamal Korrapati
Molly McIhinney
Luke Michaelis
Matthew Press
Kashika Puri
Abigail Rose
Jaydeep Sompalli
JinWoo (Chris) Sung
Austin Tsang
Ethan Vitak
Jacqueline Truong
Hannah Warren
Jack Whelan

Math students:  5 join us:  Aaditya C, Christina Z, Joseph M, Paul S. and Emma L.
ELA students:  7 students just us:  Harrison W, Justin W, Marissa W, Vineet R, Elizabeth J and Elizabeth P.

Problem #1 - the costume store

HOTS POW Week 2:  How long will I wait in line?

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya