Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, 2/27 HW

Hi yall! I am blogging from bed, sick with strep.  I won't be at school tomorrow either.  Hopefully the antibiotics will do their job and I will be back and feeling great by Friday!!

-study vocabulary
-there may be a workbook page, I honestly can't remember what I wrote yesterday before I left :)
-if not, practice elapsed time on any of the websites I posted and I created an assignment on Study Island! 
You can practice with authentic settings - it's a really difficult concept to grasp (examples include:  how long is soccer practice, cooking times, bath times, etc.)

-spelling contract

Tomorrow is picture day.  Look nice :)

Progress Skills Checklists are scheduled to go home, but I will send them home with progress reports on Friday instead.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday HW


  • Study time vocab (see previous post)
    • Quiz on Friday
  • Time in words practice page
  • Pink:  bring in an apple for Heartbeat
  • Pick out a topic for meaningful persuasion
  • Spelling contract
Signed papers will be sent home on Thursday!  I have strep throat and I will be out Wednesday, and possibly Thursday if I still feel poorly.  Thanks for your understanding!

Math Resources

Time Vocabulary
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 quarter hour = 15 minutes
1 half hour = 30 minutes
A.M. = in between midnight and noon (ante meridiem)
P.M. = in between noon and midnight (post meridiem)
Quarter past = 15 past the current hour
Quarter till = 15 minutes until the next hour
Half past = 30 minutes past the current hour
Hour hand = little hand on the clock that shows what hour it is
(rotates around the clock 1 time in 12 hours)
Minute hand = the longer hand on the clock that shows minutes
(rotates around the clock 1 time in 60 minutes)
Elapsed time = the total amount of time that passes from the beginning time to the ending time 

Word in time notes:

*remember, quarter till, to, or before all mean 15 minutes before that hour.  You need to subtract 1 hour (go backwards one hour then they say)
Quarter = 15 minutes (¼  of an hour – ¼ of 60 = 15 minutes)
Quarter after/past always ends in :15
Quarter till/before/to always ends in :45 

Time/ Elapsed Time



Finding Elapsed Time:
1.)   Write the start time.
2.)  Write the end time.
3.)  Count the hours.
4.)  Count the minutes.

Finding the End Time:
1.)   Write the start time.
2.)  Add the hours.
3.)  Add the minutes.

Finding the Start Time:
1.)   Write the end time.
2.)  Subtract the hours.
3.)  Subtract the minutes.

Monday HW


  • 45 f/b
  • look for clocks, especially unique ones
  • Resume regular spelling contract
  • Pink group - bring an apple for Heartbeat

Science Force was awesome yesterday!  Thank you to Mr. Longfellow, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Kinnamon, Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Masson for serving our class yesterday!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Curriculum Updates

Pink Spelling

Green Spelling

Math Unit 7:  Measurement

Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
MCC. 3.MD.1 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.
MCC.3.MD.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem.
Represent and interpret data.
MCC.3.MD.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
MCC.3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units – whole numbers, halves, or quarters.
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.
MCC.3.MD.7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.
MCC.3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.

Essential Questions:
Telling Time
• What does it mean to tell time to the nearest minute?
• What strategies can I use to help me tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes?
• What connections can I make between a clock and a number line?
• How can I use what I know about number lines to help me figure out how much time has passed between two events?
• How can we determine the amount of time that passes between two events?
• What part does elapsed time play in our daily life?
• How can I demonstrate my understanding of the measurement of time?

Volume and Mass…
• What does the liquid volume of an object tell me?
• What types of tools are used to measure volume?
• How can estimating help me to determine liquid volume of something?
• What are some ways I can measure the liquid volume of something?
• What does the mass of an object tell me about it?
• What ways can I measure mass?
• What strategies can I use to help me to solve problems involving volume?
• What strategies can I use to help me to solve problems involving mass?
• Why is mass and volume important in my everyday life?
• What determines your choice of a measurement tool?
• What estimation strategies are used in measurement?
• How is the appropriate unit for measurement determined?
• How is the reasonableness of a measurement determined?
• Why are units important in measurement?
• How can I demonstrate my understanding of the measurement of volume and mass?
Area and Perimeter…
• What is the difference between area and perimeter?
• How are the perimeter and area of a shape related?
• How does combining and breaking apart shapes affect the perimeter and area?
• Why/how would decomposing a polygon be helpful in finding the perimeter or area?
• How can rectangles have the same perimeter but have different areas?
• What methods can I use to determine the area of an object?
• How can I demonstrate my understanding of the measurement of area and perimeter?
• Why is it important to know area and perimeter in real life?
• What strategies will help me to solve for an unknown side when finding perimeter?
Graphing and Data…
• How are tables, bar graphs, and line plot graphs useful ways to display data?
• How do I decide what increments to use for my scale?
• How can you prove to your parents you do not spend too much time watching television?
• How can you use graphs to answer a question?
• How can surveys be used to collect data?
• How can surveys be used to answer a question?
• How can graphs be used to display data gathered from a survey?
• How can graphs be used to compare related data?
• How can data displayed in tables and graphs be used to inform?
• How can data be used to make decisions?
• How can data displays be used to describe events?
• How can I demonstrate my understanding of the data and graphing?
• How are a bar graph and a line plot related? What are their differences? 

Social Studies
SS3H2 The student will discuss the life of Thurgood Marshall who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy.
SS3G2 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with Thurgood Marshall.
SS3CG2 The student will discuss the character of Thurgood Marshall.

We will test next Friday on Thurgood Marshall!

Photo Updates!

We had a great time at Fernbank!  Thank you very much to Mrs. Masson, Mrs. Sharma, and Mrs. McCormick!
Having fun!


Petting the corn snake!


Being silly

On the bus

Class photo

Kate and Saniya demonstrating Stone Mountain

Having fun

Blurry, but touching the snake!


With the Gator

In the auditorium!

Our adorable class!

The salamander

Lunch bunch was great this week!

Some great information comparing Congress then and now, as well as inspiration for my young ladies!  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wed. 2/20 HW


  • Review!!  Use study guide, pretest, and graphing practice (except line graph!) to review for test on Friday!!
  • Study facts - 2 minutes timing on Friday!!  
  • Funky spelling contract
  • Study for SS (students have study guides)
Field trip tomorrow!!!  Please have your children bring a snack to eat before we leave, dress in layers, and bring lunch if he/she is supposed to do so.  Please ensure your child will do his/her best as we are in a public place!  YEAHHHHH!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, 2/19 HW

  • Math
    • Review pretest and study guide for any questions (pink group does not have their study guides)
    • Practice page f/b
  • ELA
    • Funky spelling contract this week:  abbreviations page f/b and 2 authentic examples of abbreviations (not acronyms)
      • Abbreviations:  shorten a longer word January = Jan.
      • Here is the origin of the abbreviation for pound (lb.)
      • Acronyms use the first letter of each word:  USA = United States of America, SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test
    • Look for dialogue in your reading!
  • SS
    • Review govern roles and divisions
      • Use the class notes from today as well as the previous blog post
    • Memorize our leaders:  Local, State and Federal Leader
    • Test is Friday (it is another 3 page test, 4 days of curriculum - so it is a short test!)
    • There are lots of fun links on the portaportal!!

SS Study Guide

Name ________________________Date _______________

Government Test: What you need to know:
Name the 3 branches of National Government.
What people or group of people make up each branch of government.
What is the job for each branch of government.
Who is the leader of the local government?
What is the general assembly?
What is separation of power? How does it work?
Who leads the state government?
Who leads the national government?
What do taxes do?
What are the 3 levels of government?
What services does each of level of government provide?
Be able to explain (in complete sentences) why it is important for the US to have 3 branches of government.

Name _________________________Date __________________________

Government Test: Study Guide:



House of Representatives
And the Senate
Law Making


Courts and Judges
Interpret/ Understand the law


Model citizen, what laws need to be made, approve laws

»         The leader of the local government is called the Mayor.
»         The general assembly is part of the state government.
»         No branch of government can become too strong or powerful because of separation of power.
»         The leader of the state government is called the Governor.
»         The leader of the national government is called the President.
»         Taxes: money that pays for government services.

Level of Government

National government
Army, Navy (National Security), print currency, National Parks

State government
Public Schools, Build State Roads, State Parks

Local government
Police, Fire, Emergency, Local Parks

Be able to explain (in complete sentences) why it is important for the US to have 3 branches of government. 

E:  Mayor Mike Bodker
J:  Courts
L:  City Council

E:  Governor Nathan Deal
J:  State Courts
L:  General Assembly

E:  President Barack Obama
J:  Supreme Courts
L:  Congress (House of Reps and Senate)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


  • No school Friday or Monday (we've been studying past Presidents in honor of this weekend.  Ask your child to tell you about George, Abe, or Thomas!)
  • Field trip is Thursday!! 

We will be working with abbreviations - there will be NO spelling contract due.  They will need to practice appropriately abbreviating the words.  We will be looking for real, authentic uses of abbreviations.  Kids will be responsible for find 


Math:  we will test on Friday, 2/22.  

Social Studies:  We will continue our study in Government

Social Studies Lesson Plan -Unit 5 Civil Rights and Government (Thurgood Marshall and Branches/Levels of the Government)                     
SS3H2 The student will discuss the life of Thurgood Marshall who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy.
SS3G2 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with Thurgood Marshall.
SS3CG2 The student will discuss the character of Thurgood Marshall.
SS3CG1a. Explain why in the United States there is a separation of power between branches of government and levels of government.
b. Name the three levels of government and the three branches in each including the names of the legislative branch (Congress, General Assembly, county commission or city council)
c. State an example of the responsibilities of each level and branch of government.
Why is the power of government divided among the three branches  and across three levels (national, state, local)?
How did Thurgood Marshall show positive character traits?

Health:  I wanted to share what was in the Atlanta Track Club's newsletter!  
Youth Running News
Did you know that the Atlanta Track Club has year round activities for kids?  
  • Kilometer Kids is an incentive-based running program designed to get kids in the community active! Whether you are a teacher or after-school coordinator looking to add a structured running program into your curriculum, or a parent trying to increase your family's activity level,  Kilometer Kids is a free 11-week online program for children ages 7 to 12.
  • Free One Mile Mid-Week Runs for ages 7 to 12, held in Grant Park on Wednesday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 27 at 5:30 p.m. Check our website for the complete schedule of upcoming fun runs.
  • All-Comer's Track and Field Meets (all ages) Emory University, 5:00, Tuesday evenings May 7- June 18. 
  • Youth Events: We have a youth (7 to 12) and tot (6 and under) running event at select signature and premier Atlanta Track Club running events. 
Check out the upcoming youth events and spring into action!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13 HW

Wednesday, 2/13 HW


  • Study guide pages: green (2 and 3) pink (last page)
  • Study for timing
  • Young Author's Competition submission due


  • Wear appropriate shoes with your pajamas tomorrow.  Also make sure all PJ's are appropriate. 
  • You may bring Valentines as long as there is one for every student.
  • Please no chocolate/candy for me!  :)

We discuss goal setting often, including in Health in conjunction with Strong4Life:

Health:  Strong For Life Fitness Goals
What are my fitness and activity goals? 
How am I taking care of my body?
What foods have I started eating more of?
What foods do I want to include?
What am I doing for physical activity?
What are the four Strong 4 Life goals?

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya