Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, 5/10 HW

  • Write at least 2 poems
  • Finish the math game if you have not
Please send me the American Heroes video pleaseeeee?!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Field Day!  Can you spot the teacher??.

Luke and I after his play.  He played Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt

Thurgood Marshall

Lyndon B. Johnson

Paul Revere

Frederick Douglas

Patiently waiting :)

Mary McCloud Bethune

Susan B. Anthony
Cesar Chavez

This picture does no justice to all of the beautiful flowers I received from yall on flower day!

Birthday Flowers and Cards!

Joseph and I after his play with CYT - Suessical

Relay for Life - WOW!!!
Also, the students have fundraised $146, with an additional $150 sent in from parents, and my double of $500 - we are up to $793 - we would love to have full class participation - even just a dollar will help!  :) 

Tuesday 5/8 HW

  • ELA:  super sleuth detective assignment
  • Health:  alcohol and tobacco venn diagram
I hope this health unit has opened up discussion and healthy dialogue - prevention is so much better than intervention!!!! 

Videos/Pics from yesterday:  please email me the video of the song at the end or any pics for the blog at (it will fill my fulton email in 4 seconds!!)

Thank you to everyone who brought in snacks, supported their kids, and helped me celebrate my birthday.  I am SO grateful!!  YALL ROCK!!!!!

Relay for Life donations will go for the next week - we are up to $793 plus a little change ($146 from the kids, $150 from parents, and my $500 double)- please consider donating! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wed. 5/2 HW

  • ELA:  study vocabulary for quiz on Friday and spelling test on Friday
  • Field day is tomorrow!!!!!  Bring in a clean change of clothes for after field day
  • Return the RSVP for Showcase and Signed Papers, as well as any order forms

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday HW 5/1

ELA:  study spelling and vocabulary (words are hard - please study!!)
Math:  none  so they can prep for Showcase!
SS:  memorize speech and prepare outfit.  They can bring it to school on Friday and change here.  :)  Then it will stay at school for Monday's showcase! Wahooo!!!!


Spelling Words                 


Vocabulary Words

Segment Three (pp. 147-180)

trance – a state of being so deeply absorbed in something as to be unaware of one's surroundings

tentative – not fully worked out or developed

precarious – depending on unknown conditions or chance events

avert – to turn away

unfurl – open or spread

pesters – annoy; bother

dignified – having or showing a serious and reserved manner


Ramona Forever - Week 2
Spelling Words:

1.     simple
2.    total
3.    apple
4.    title
5.    central
6.    purple
7.    signal
8.    normal
9.    middle
10.  able
11.   terrible
12.   people
13.   medal
14.   handle
15.   single

Vocabulary Words:
1.   resolved: 

2.  weary

3.  sober

4.  dawdling

5.  scant

6.  feeble

7.  indignant

8.  grim

9.  delighted:  great pleasure or joy

10.            astonished:  surprised

11.            dismal

12.            ceaseless

13.            mute:  silent; not able to speak

14.            genuine

15.            feeble

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya