- Math:
- HOTS POW due!
- Green:
- 36 back
- Pink:
- 38 f/b
- Reading:
- Spelling Contract due
- Pink - reread story
- study for vocab - only TAG took the test today - oops! :)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Thursday 8/30 HW
Dictionary Skills/Library
Guide word practice http://www.quia.com/rr/45806.html
Find the Lexile score of any book: http://www.lexile.com/
-books should be within 50 points lower and 100 points higher
Visual Thesaurus http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
Find the Lexile score of any book: http://www.lexile.com/
-books should be within 50 points lower and 100 points higher
Visual Thesaurus http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wed. 8/29 HW
- ELA:
- Study for vocab quiz - tomorrow
- Spelling contract
- Math:
- Pink: 43 f/b
- Green: 38 back
- Wear red for the RED - OUT!!!!!
Here is Kate, teaching her mom about water pollution!
Fun websites:
Harry Potter Book Club http://hpread.scholastic.com/
Scholastic.com - reading clubs, games,
Scholastic News http://magazines.scholastic.com/election-2012/
Inspiration !
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community andworld better than you found it.”
Marian Wright Edelman, American lawyer
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Freddy the Fish Lesson Plan
Freddy the Fish Lesson Plan - some of the students loved the hands on learning so much today, they wanted to play teacher at home! Here are our lesson plans!
Activity: The Journey
Freddie is happy with his home, the stream he lives in. He is healthy, with lots of energy and curiosity.
The water and streambanks which make up his home are perfect for him.
Freddie has everything he needs right here. The water is cool, which is good because cool water
holds more oxygen, so Freddie can breathe more easily. The trees and shrubs along Freddie’s
stream shade the water and keep it from getting too warm. Food for Freddie, like insects and leaves,
fall off of the shrubs, so Freddie always has something to eat. While Freddie likes this stream, he’s a
little bored with it, and would like to go on an adventure. Do you think he should leave this part of the
stream and see what’s out there in the world? Freddie decides to leave the shady, cool waters and
heads downstream on his adventure…..
Canister #1: Sediment, at the clear-cut.
After a while, Freddie notices that the sun is shining and it’s no longer so cool and dark in the water.
He looks out of the water and notices that all the trees have been cut down.
Sprinkle some sediment(dirt) over the water and allow it to slowly settle over Freddie. How does it feel to get sediment intoyour gills, and into your eyes, Freddie? Explain how fish breathe and how sandy grit hurts fish gills. Also explain how sediment gets into a stream when all of the trees and shrubs along a stream are removed due to logging or building stores and houses. Without vegetation covering the soil, it washes
(erodes) into the stream and covers the rocky floor of the stream, where fish lay their eggs. Should Freddie go home? NO! So Freddie continues on his way downstream.
Canister #2: Cow Manure (Raisins)
Freddie pokes his snout out of the water and sees some BIG black and white animals coming down to
visit the water, and they are stirring up the sediment in the stream. Oh my, they are also leaving some
Sprinkle a few raisins into the water and let them dramatically sink in the water, leaving
brown trails. Let the students observe and draw their own conclusions on what the cow “presents”
really are. Freddie doesn’t like the taste or smell of these presents. Should Freddie go home?” NO!
So Freddie continues on his way downstream.
Canister #3: “Green Grass Fertilizer”
Freddie notices a golf ball floating (add a golf ball) …Hmm, what is this green stuff running off the golf
course? Bleck! Too much fertilizer! How do you feel Freddie?
Explain that people should not use too much fertilizer on their lawns, or apply it before a heavy rain.
Should Freddie go home?” NO! So Freddie continues on his way downstream.
Canister #4: “Weed-Free Grass”
Repeat #3 above, but with weed-killer (red drink mix). Weed-killer in a stream or lake can kill all of the
good plants that feed the fish and other aquatic organisms. Should Freddie go home?” NO! So
Freddie continues on his way downstream.
Canister #5: Road Salt
Freddie notices that the river has taken on a salty taste. [Add salt into the water.)
Explain that road salt is good for traffic safety in the winter; but bad for wildlife in general, including trees along the roadside, which may die from too much salt; and bad for groundwater as well. Have you ever had salt get into an open cut? Ouch! How do you think Freddie feels? Look, Freddie is swimming faster
in an attempt to get away from the salt, but the saltiness seems to be everywhere in the water. Freddie may be missing the cool, shady pool back upstream. Should Freddie go home? NO! Freddie swims on.
Canister #6: Litter
Continuing on, Freddie passes a picnic site… some campers left their rubbish behind: dirty plastic
dishes, and empty bottle of charcoal lighter fluid and a used disposable diaper. We would never do
this, would we? Freddie must feel disgusted with this mess, wouldn’t you? He tries to push the litter
out of the water. Lets remember to keep litter in its proper place and dispose of used diapers in a
trashcan! Yuck! Should Freddie go home? NO!” Freddie swims on.
Canister #7: Used Motor Oil on the Ground
A person is changing the motor oil in their truck. They pour the used motor oil on the ground. The oil
seeps down into the ground and moves through the groundwater to the stream. Did you know that
just one cup of oil can poison a tank of water twice the size of this classroom? Freddie gets his gills
clogged with oil and he starts having trouble breathing. (Presenter: gasp a little and hold your
throat). Life is getting pretty tough for Freddie. Poor Freddie has come through so much. Even
though Freddie is a tough fish, this is more than Freddie can withstand. He swims back home as fast as he can.
After everyone has settled down, pull Freddie out of the water. Explain that Freddie was just acting,
he’ll be alright. But Freddie is trying to make a point here. What do you think Freddie is trying to
teach to us?
All living things need a clean, healthy environment to thrive. Fish need a suitable place to live. If
their homes become polluted, fish will have trouble. A stream that becomes polluted, and then flows
into Lake Superior, can affect all of Lake Superior. If we want to healthy fish populations, if we want
to have a healthy Lake Superior, we must act wisely.
What could have been done to keep Freddie’s stream a healthy place to live?
1. Leave shrubs and trees along streams.
2. Don’t allow cattle and other livestock animals to wander into streams. Pump water out of the
stream and put it in a large trough for the livestock to use away from the stream.
3. Follow label directions on fertilizers and pesticides. Do NOT use too much!
4. Do not use road salt near streams.
5. Don’t be a litterbug. Remove litter from streams .
6. Support efforts to clean up industrial sites.
7. Recycle used motor oil drained from your car.
8. Acid rain comes from air pollution. It can hurt trees, plants and lakes, and kill animals living in
aquatic habitats.
Tuesday, 8/28 HW
- Please return signed papers. If you plan to keep them more than tonight, please send me a note or email.
- They are VERY sloppy this week - my apologies - I forgot to staple them until 2:10! Thank you for your grace!!
- ELA:
- Read :)
- Spelling Contract
- Review Vocab
- Math
- green: 37 back
- pink: 37 f/b
Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday 8/27 HW
- Spelling Contract
- Study vocab (quiz Thursday)
- Math:
- Green: 31 back only (do not do both sides please)
- pink: 31 f/b
Curriculum Updates
Green group:
Science Unit:
Because of Winn Dixie- Week 2 – Adv Level
Spelling Words
Vocabulary Words
Produce- products of farms or gardens, especially fruits and vegetables
Aisle- A narrow space for walking between a row of seats
Missionary- A person sent to spread religion and do good works.
Fortunate- Having good fortune, lucky
Sermon-A speech given for religious or moral teaching as park of a religious ceremony
Constellation- A constellation is a group of stars that, when seen from Earth, form a pattern. There are 88.
Orphan- A child whose parents are not alive
Sigh- To let out a long, deep breath because of fatigue, sorrow, or relief.
Pink Group:
Amelia and Eleanor Go For a Ride
Spelling Words
Vocabulary Words
outspoken – bold or honest in speech
practical – useful or sensible
brisk – cool and stimulating, as weather can be
elegant – tasteful, stylish, and beautiful
elevations – heights above the ground or sea level
marveled – became filled with awe or wonder
miniatures – small-scale models of larger things
starstruck – full of stars
***Challenge Spelling Words
Science Unit:
Science Lesson Plan Pollution 6 Days
S3L2. Students will recognize the effects of pollution and humans on the environment.
a. Explain the effects of pollution (such as littering) to the habitats of plants and animals.
b. Identify ways to protect the environment: Conservation of resources • Recycling of materials
Essential Questions
What will happen to our world if pollution continues? What can you do to protect our environment from pollution?
What is pollution? How can I help conserve our natural resources?
Test is NEXT Wednesday! (Not Tuesday due to Labor Day weekend!)
Blank study guide - no need to print - they will get one in class!
Name: _________________________________ Test on: Wednesday, Sept. 5th
Pollution Study Guide
Define the following words:
nonrenewable resource:
renewable resource:
natural resource:
Give two examples for each type of resource:
1. Renewable resource: A._________________________
B. _________________________
2. Reusable resource: A._________________________
B. _________________________
3. Nonrenewable resource: A._________________________
B. _________________________
Name the four types of pollution. Give two examples of each.
1. _____________________
Examples: A. ____________________________________
B. ____________________________________
2. _____________________
Examples: A.____________________________________
3. _____________________
Examples: A. ____________________________________
4. _____________________
Examples: A. ____________________________________
Be able to choose a type of pollution and explain how you could fix the problem.
Type of pollution:
Solution: ______________________________________________________________
Name: #: Date:
Pollution Study Guide
1. natural resource- a material found in nature that is used by living things; ex. water, fish, cows, air, cotton, trees, salt, soil, oil
2. renewable resource- resource that can be replaced during a human lifetime; ex. animals, plants, solar energy, water, wind
3. non-renewable resource- resource that cannot be replaced in a human lifetime; ex. natural gas, soil, metals, oil, coal
4. recycle- to reuse a resource by breaking it down and making a new product
5. reduce- to use less of a resource
6. reuse- to use a resource again and again
7. conservation- saving resources by using them wisely
8. pollution- any harmful material in the environment
Resources: Give two examples for each type of resource.
1. Renewable resource: trees, plants, animals, sun,
2. Reusable resource: air, water, solar energy
3. Nonrenewable resource: oil, soil, coal, iron, copper, natural gas, metals
Pollution: Name the four types of pollution. Give two examples of each. *I provided definitions as well to help your child study!
1. Land pollution: the ruining of the Earth's surface by misuse of the soil by bad farming practices, mineral use, business waste dumping, and disposal of urban wastes. Examples of land pollution include soil pollution and improper waste disposal (littering), and landfills.
2. Air pollution: harmful substances gathered in the atmosphere that endanger human health or produce other bad effects on living matter and other materials. Examples include tobacco smoke, smoke from forest fires, volcanoes, exhaust from cars and factories, and acid rain.
3. Water pollution: the dumping or run off of pollutants into fresh or ocean waters that makes the quality of the water and affects the things living in it. Examples include sewage, dumping from factories, mining and agricultural wastes, and oil spills all pollute the water.
4. Noise pollution: unwanted sounds that are carried by the air, have an annoying and harmful effect on humans and other animals. Examples include noisy vehicles, loud music, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, power drills, construction, voices, people, yelling, animals, factories, generators, stores, etc.
Be able to choose a type of pollution and explain how you could fix the problem.
Ways to control or reduce pollution: - make sure you understand can explain how these things can help to get full credit on the test.
- All: writing to your legislatures and encouraging stronger anti-pollution laws
- Air: Making more places smokefree zones
- Air: Control over the kinds of fuel used in cars, airplanes
- Air: carpool, take mass transit, walk or ride your bike
- Air: turn off lights when you leave a room
- Air: don’t smoke (it’s awful for you anyway!)
- Water: not dumping things into water
- Water: don’t dump toxic things down the drain
- Water: don’t throw litter into streams
- Land: anti-litter campaigns
- Land: organic waste can be dumped in places far from residential areas
- Land: recycling things
- Land: buying recycled products, reusing things, donating things
Plus, there are MANY other ways!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Thank you for a great week!
- It was amazing to see/meet y'all this week! Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet me and learn about your child's experience in third grade!
- We are excited for our DRA party - thank you for everyone helping with snacks!
- Thank you for such immense generosity!!
- Book order is sent in and should be here next week! Thank you to all who ordered!!!
- Sat. Sept. 16th - Service Project at Peachtree Pres for Feed My Starving Children - let me know if you want to participate!! http://www.peachtreepres.org/Mission_GlobalFMSC.aspx
Round Rules
Rounding Rules
1. Circle the place value you are rounding the number to.
2. Look to the right, and see what the number is:
*If the number is a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4: Forget the rest
*If the number is a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9: Round up to the next number
Round to the nearest ten:
· 43 rounds to 40 (the three in the ones places tells me to forget the rest)
· 46 rounds to 50 (the 6 in the ones places tells me to round up to the next ten)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Chick Fil A - Father Son Night
This post is for the daddy's out there:
Join Us for Father-Son Football Night
Calling all fathers and sons! You are invited to attend Chick-fil-A Father-Son Football Night. Come to your local participating Chick-fil-A restaurant and enjoy dinner* and a fun-filled night around the kickoff of football season. Visit www.chick-fil-afatherson.com to find your nearest participating location and register.
Join Us for Father-Son Football Night
Calling all fathers and sons! You are invited to attend Chick-fil-A Father-Son Football Night. Come to your local participating Chick-fil-A restaurant and enjoy dinner* and a fun-filled night around the kickoff of football season. Visit www.chick-fil-afatherson.com to find your nearest participating location and register.
HOTS POW explanation
Third Grade HOTS Problem of the Week
Our higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) problem of the week will strengthen our problem-solving skills. This problem will be homework throughout the week, and is due on Friday.
Daily Tasks
Monday: Determine what information you know and decide what the question is asking. Be sure to write in complete sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.
Tuesday: What is your plan to solve the problem? See below for problem-solving strategies. Will you draw a picture? Work backwards? Complete two steps to get the answer?
Wednesday: Solve the problem. Show all of your work. Be sure to use labels.
Thursday: Thoroughly explain how you solved the problem. Be sure to write in complete sentences and correct spelling punctuation.
Friday: Turn in the HOTS problem.
Problem Solving Strategies
· Draw a picture
· Make a graph
· Work backwards
· Find a pattern
· Make a table or list
· Guess and check
· Use logical reasoning
Thursday 8/23 HW
Green ELA group: This is a great website that you can use at home as we study character traits in Because of Winn Dixie: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/flashlightreaders/main.asp?bookpass=1&s=1 We will be using this in class next week!
- All students: spelling contract due (test tomorrow!)
- Pink group
- reread Lou Gehrig (test tomorrow!)
- Study vocabulary for quiz
- All students:
- HOTS POW due
- Properties page
- review rounding - quiz tomorrow!
Green ELA group: This is a great website that you can use at home as we study character traits in Because of Winn Dixie: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/flashlightreaders/main.asp?bookpass=1&s=1 We will be using this in class next week!
Spelling Contracts
Third Grade - On level Spelling Contract
This week, I will complete the spelling activities checked below.
In Class....
v Copy my spelling words below.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________
10. ____________________________
11. _____________________________
12. ____________________________
13. ____________________________
14. ____________________________
15. ____________________________
I will go back over my list to make sure each word is spelled correctly.
Staple this sheet on top of my 4 chosen assignments and turn it in on Friday.
On My Own…
Choose one activity to do for each day.
1. Write the words 3 times each.
2. Put the words in ABC order.
1. Use all the words in 1 or more sentences. Underline the spelling words.
2. Pyramid write my words.
3. Go to www. spellingcity.com and do 2 different activities with your list.
1. Write the words and a rhyming word for each spelling word.
2. Make a word search using the website www.puzzlemaker.com. Print the word search and attach to this paper.
1. Have someone give me a practice test. I will write the words that I miss 5 times each. Have the person who calls out the words sign the paper. Attach the practice test to this paper.
Third Grade ADVANCED Spelling Contract
This week, I will complete the spelling activities checked below. Staple this sheet on top of my 4 chosen assignments and turn it in on Friday.
In Class
v Copy my spelling words below.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________
10. ____________________________
11. _____________________________
12. ____________________________
13. ____________________________
14. ____________________________
15. ____________________________
16. _____________________________
17. ____________________________
18. ____________________________
19. ____________________________
20. ____________________________
On My Own
Choose one activity to do for each day.
1. Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of the words. Label if it’s a synonym or antonym.
2. Put the words in ABC order.
1. Use ten of the words in sentences. Underline the spelling words. Sentences must be 7 words long.
2. Write the words 3 times each.
3. Go to www. spellingcity.com and do 2 different activities with your list. Search for thidmbes under username.
1. Write the words and a rhyming word for each spelling word.
2. Make a word search using the website www.puzzlemaker.com. Print the word search, complete it, and attach to this paper.
1. Have someone give me a practice test. I will write the words that I miss 5 times each. Have the person who calls out the words sign the paper. Attach the practice test to this paper.
Fourth Grade Spelling Contract (Pink group)
This week, I will complete the spelling activities checked below. Staple this sheet on top of my 4 chosen assignments and turn it in on Friday.
In Class
v Copy my spelling words below.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________
10. ____________________________
11. _____________________________
12. ____________________________
13. ____________________________
14. ____________________________
15. ____________________________
16. ____________________________
17. ____________________________
18. ____________________________
19. ____________________________
20. ____________________________
On My Own
Choose one activity to do for each day.
1. Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of the words. Label if it’s a synonym or antonym.
2. Put the words in ABC order.
1. Use all the words in sentences. Underline the spelling words. Sentences must be 7 words long.
2. Write the words 3 times each.
3. Go to www. spellingcity.com and do 2 different activities with your list. Search for fourthmbes under username.
1. Write the words and a rhyming word for each spelling word.
2. Make a word search using the website www.puzzlemaker.com. Print the word search, complete it, and attach to this paper.
1. Have someone give me a practice test. I will write the words that I miss 5 times each. Have the person who calls out the words sign the paper. Attach the practice test to this paper.
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