Friday, September 28, 2012

Curriculum Updates

ELA:  We will be continuing wrod relationships (synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homographs, and multiple meaning words).  See below to check your own understanding... (quiz 10/12)

Please access my portaportal for a variety of games and online practice!  Guest access:  jserafin - under Reading/ELA

1.  _____  multiple meaning words
2.  _____  synonyms
3.  _____  homographs
4.  _____  antonyms
5.  _____  homophones 

a.  words that have the exact same spelling and are pronounced the same, but mean different things
b.  words that are spelled the same, but pronounced differently and mean different things
c.  words that have similar meanings
d.  words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things
e.  words that have opposite meanings

Green Group ELA:  (POS = part of speech)

Advanced:  Junior Great Books – The Man Whose Trade was Tricks

Spelling Words

Vocabulary Words
desperate – feeling hopeless or needing something very badly
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

persuasion – a way of talking to someone so that they will do something you want them to do (convince them)
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

reputation – what people think about you
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

viziers – people who have important jobs in the government and give advice to the rulers
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

acquaintance – a person who you know; a friend or an associate
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

redeem – to get something back after you have lost it
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

cherkasska – a long overcoat
POS:  ______________
Related words:  ______________________________________________

Pink Group:

-We will be finishing our novel, Bud Not Buddy as well as beginning poetry.  The kids are encouraged to share any poetry/books they have at home!!

Pink Group – Fourth Grade Advanced:  Bud, Not Buddy and Poetry

Spelling Words          

*make sure you know what each spelling word means (even the ones not starred!) Ask Ms. Serafin if you need help!!
Vocabulary Words:

rhythm- a flow of rising and falling sounds at the end of a line
POS:  ______________
Related words:  _________________________________________

repetition- something repeated
POS:  ______________
Related words:  _________________________________________

figurative language- a form of language in which the writer says something other than the literal meaning
Examples:  _________________________________________

form- the arrangement used to convey the content, such as free verse, couplet, limerick, and haiku
POS:  ______________
Related words:  _________________________________________

rhyme scheme- the pattern of ending sounds at the end of a line
Examples:  _________________________________________

stanza- a “paragraph” in poetry; a group of lines
POS:  ______________
Related words:  _________________________________________

-We are continuing with our facts:  4's on Monday, 6/7's on Tuesday, 8/9's on Wednesday.  Thursday will be all review! 
-Each day we will have a quiz! Each timing is 3 minutes (that is the third grade standard to know the facts with fluency!)
-Friday we will have a final fact and a vocab quiz on Friday.

Multiplication Notes
Repeated addition-adding the same number multiple times (5+5+5= 15 means 3 groups of5)
multiplication-putting together equal groups (3X5 = putting together or repeatedly adding by 5 three times to get 15)
array-rows of dots used to represent a number
-remember-rows are horizontal-rows represent the NUMBER of groups. Number of columns (or how many are in that row) represent how many in each group for a # x #set-up
Below is an array for 5 X 4 - 5 rows with 4 in each row

factors-the numbers you multiply together to get a product3x5= 15-->the factors are 3 and 5
product-the answer to a multiplication problem 3x5= 15 -->the product is15
double-multiply a number by two
the commutative property-a rule that says you can multiply numbers in any order and still get the same answer (3x5 yields the same answer as 5X3)
square number-you get this type of number when you multiply a number by itself; the arrays for this type of number are always in the shape of a square (4x4 = 16.16 is a square number. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 etc. are known as the squares.

Personal Health and Wellness Chap. 3&5                                                       
HE3.1:  a.  Identify the link between healthy choices and being healthy.
              b.  Recognize times when it might be important to seek health care or emergency help.
              c.  Give examples of intellectual, physical, emotional, and social health.
HE3.2:  a.  Describe how the family influences personal health practices.
HE3.5   d.  Indicate the possible consequences of each choice when making a health-related decision.
              e.  identify a healthy choice when making a decision.
HE3.6:  a.  Select a personal long-term health goal and determine actions needed to achieve the goal.
              b.  Recognize resources needed to achieve a personal health goal.
HE3.7:  a.  Practice healthy behaviors.
              b.  Perform healthy practices that maintain or improve personal health.
              c.  Demonstrate actions to avoid and reduce health risks.

We will test chapters 3 and 5 on Friday.  *All health is OPEN BOOK!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rewards/Save the Dates

We had Social Studies in the sun on Wednesday! The kids and I loved the change of scenery. 

We are VERY close to earning a reward pizza party lunch bunch!  Thank you to the parents that have volunteered to sponsor the party.  I really appreciate it!!!

Fall Carnival is Friday, Oct. 19 - I am so sad to miss it, but I will be in Israel then!!!  Mrs. Hutchens will be sending out a blurb about it in a week or so, but I will be teaching in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jericho!!!  It is such a blessing to be able to teach around the world, and I am excited to bring fresh perspective back from Israel. 

ITBS is the week of Oct. 22-26.

Report Cards will go home that Tuesday, 10/23.

Chick-Fil-A Teacher Night is the day after I return, Oct. 29.  I LOVE seeing the kids outside of school, so I will definitely be there (probably selling calendars, because I love to sell things/fundraise if you can't tell!!)

Fun Run Final Totals

The school raised over $47,000 (our goal was $45,000)!  Go MBES!!  We were the highest fundraising class in the school, YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We came in at just over $2,700..  simply amazing!  I am so proud of them!

We won third grade, so we will have an italian ice party on Wed. Oct. 3, attend the pep rally on Tues. Oct. 2, and quite a few of our kids will attend the game bus that afternoon!!!  I promise I will teach next week some time between the Fun Run stuff...  ;)

Congrats to Kate and Devika - they get to slime Coach Rogers!!!!

The Class Reward Pep Rally will be Tuesday, October 2nd at 8:00 am.
The classes attending the Awards Pep Rally are; K-Hoger, K-Johnson,
1-Smith, 2-HIdock, 3-Serafin, 4-Scheuch, 4-Woods, 4- Rafiniski and

The top seller in Pre-K - 2 is Thomas Latham and 3-5 is Kate Kinnamon. Kate won the flip camera!!! 

Will will also be attending the Gamebus! I am SO proud of our fundraisers!! 

Thursday, 9/27 HW

Sorry for the late HW posting the last two days - I have forgotten to update right away with conferences!

  • ELA:
    • Spelling Contract due
    • Green group vocab quiz
I told the kids I would post the really fun Jeopardy game from ELA today: 

Here are questions from the actual test: 

  1. Explain the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy.

  1. Name and explain two rights guaranteed to American citizens.

  1. Name and explain two responsibilities of American citizens.

Bonus Questions:

Who are our representatives that we have chosen in our representative democracy??
President: B. Obama
VP:  Joe Biden
Speaker of the House:  John Boehner
Ga. Governor:  Nathan Deal
Lt. Governor:  Casey Cagle
Johns Creek Mayor:  Mike Bodker
Atlanta Mayor:  Kasim Reed

I will also have bonus questions for the continents!   There will be up to TEN bonus points - wahoo!!!

Note:  Teacher Access Center is back functioning - your Home Access Center should be up to date now!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ela: spelling contract and green study vocab
Math: fives - we will quiz on squares, doubles, and fives tomorrow
SS: study! Test Friday!
Tomorrow is picture day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, 9/26 HW

  • ELA:
    • Spelling Contract
    • Green:  review vocab
  • Math:
    • doubles - study and complete the practice on the back of the parent letter
    • Continue to study square numbers as well
      • We didn't take the squares quiz today because we had reading checkpoints from 8-9:30
  • Social Studies: 
    • Continue to study - we checked the answers for the back of page 1 and added in the top two on the third page
    • They do not have any new problems to complete (we ran out of time for rights and responsibilities today - so we will do that tomorrow!)  although they can work on the bonus (continents and oceans!)
    • ANNOUNCEMENT - TEST MOVED TO FRIDAY!!!!!!  Mrs. Vu and I wanted to cover more today, but ran out of time; therefore we will move the test until Friday!
Picture Day is Thursday at 8:00am.  Kids can change after pictures!!

Next Monday begins "Get Active, Get Fit" - Please use the log sent home today to mark off daily activity! We are striving to be in the top 5 schools in the state!!! (Last year we made top ten!)

TAC on the fritz! :/

I have not been able to enter grades for the last two days on Teacher Access Center. Each time I enter a set of grades, they are disappearing.  We are waiting to hear back from Fulton County as well as working with Poonam to diagnose and fix the problem.  You will receive hard-copy grades today. Please know that I am doing my best to fix the problem, and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, 9/24 HW

  • ELA
    • NO Spelling Contract - instead SS homework!
    • Green group: study new vocab words
  • Math
    • HOTS POW
    • Study squares, complete squares page on back of parent letter, parents sign parent letter please
  • Study for SS test - it is a MUCH harder test then science - please study each evening!  Test is Thursday (see Friday's curriculum post for study guide and study tools!)
    • Every child needs to do the front and back of study guide - page 1
  • Picture day is Thursday!


Sydney will also be attending the game bus! Yeah!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Curriculum Updates

Green group:

The Giving Tree:  Advanced
Spelling Words

Vocabulary Words
Cautiously--Showing or practicing caution; careful.
Hunkered-to squat down close to the ground
Vehicles-means of land transportation
Gathered-to bring people or things together to form a group, or come
Confident-sure of oneself, certain
Equipment-the things needed or used for a particular purpose
Appointment-arrangement for a meeting at a specific time
Program-structured course of activities or training

Pink Group:

Bud Not Buddy/Tuck Everlasting

Spelling Words                 


Vocabulary Words:

resourceful – able to deal skillfully with new situations

loathsome – causing feelings of disgust

exaggerate – to stretch beyond the truth

festering – rotting or spoiling

meddle – to annoy or to interfere

prodigy – a person having extraordinary talent

compromise – an agreement

insinuate – to suggest or hint

Social Studies Test is Thursday!

Name _____________________________ Test is on THURSDAY!

Unit 1 Our Country’s Formation Study Guide

Define the following Vocabulary Words: 

1.      colony  _______________________________________________________________                           
2.     Revolution  ____________________________________________________________

3.    liberty    ______________________________________________________________

4.    Taxes ________________________________________________________________
5.    Boycott  ______________________________________________________________
6.     direct democracy    _____________________________________________________

7.     representative democracy  ________________________________________________

8.    separation of power  _____________________________________________________

9.    Entrepreneur  __________________________________________________________

Name an entrepreneur from this unit:  ______________________________________

10. Independence  __________________________________________________________

11.    Patriot ______________________________________________________________

12.  Diligence _____________________________________________________________

13. Interdependence ________________________________________________________

Why is Athens, Greece important to our Democracy?



Paul Revere – list the most important occupations and explain the contributions of each before and after the Revolutionary War.

Occupations:  (jobs)
Contributions (what effect did it have for the American revolution)
Before the War


After the War


American colonists didn’t want to be ruled by Britain because…



Use the timeline to answer the questions below.

1620 Pilgrims land in Plymouth                       1865 Slavery outlawed

1600     1650      1700          1750          1800        1850          1900      1950      2000                                                                                                                                                                             

                                   1775 Paul Revere’s Ride

What event took place in 1620? _______________________________________________

Which happened first, Paul Revere’s ride or Slavery was outlawed? _____________________

How many years from the Pilgrims land in Plymouth to Paul Revere’s Ride?  ________________

What does our government do in order make sure no single branch becomes too powerful?



Why was Washington, DC chosen for our nation’s capital?



What are the responsibilities of American citizens?




What is the Constitution?



Be able to explain two rights American citizens have.




Be able to explain two responsibilities American citizens have.




Be able to locate on a map Athens, Greece:  draw it in below.

What continent is it located on?  ______________________________________________

Draw in Atlanta, Ga.  What continent is it located on?  _______________________________

Bonus:  label all 7 continents and 5 oceans for 3 stickers on your agenda!!

Social Studies Unit 1 Study Guide Page Numbers
·         American Colonists didn’t want to be ruled by Britain:  pg. 100
·         Why Athens, Greece is important to our democracy:  pg. 222-226
·         Be able to locate Athens, Greece, the Prime Meridian and the Equator on a map:  pg. 250
·         What does our government do in order to make sure no single branch becomes too powerful:  pg. 220
·         Why was Washington, DC chosen as our nation’s capital: central location and it was on the water, making it easy for trade/commerce and travel
·         What are the responsibilities of American citizens:  pg. 190-191
·         What is the Constitution:  pg. 103
·         Be able to explain two rights American citizens have:  pg. 188-189
·         Paul Revere:  know occupation and contributions before and after the revolutionary war:   pg. 153 and see back of this page
Paul Revere
Born in 1735
Lived in Boston, Massachusetts
Very large family
Jobs through the Years:
He learned his father’s trade, then started many companies throughout the years to provide for his family.
Was a mail carrier-Delivered secret messages between Patriots Printed Money for the new country
Had a metal company
Printed first bank notes (money) for USA
Drew cartoons and political posters
Political Contributions:
Member of the “Sons of Liberty” – aka Patriots
Was a part of the Boston Tea Party (a protest against the British)
Famous ride:  4/18/1775 to warn the colonists the British were coming
Fought in the American Revolution

Meanings of multiplication:  we will have a performance task on Monday - children need to be able to write a story problem, determine the commutative property of mult. related equation, draw an array as well as an illustration, and write the repeated addition equation. 
Each child must learn their multiplication facts!  The only way to succeed with multiplication is through the memorization of facts. 
We will be using a program called “Multiplication Facts in Seven Days.”  Each night you will receive a letter with the facts that must be memorized that night as part of your child’s homework.  He/she will be given a timed assessment the next day on those facts.  These grades will be included in his/her math averages.  
Some suggestions for additional multiplication practice are flashcards and on line multiplication websites (
Monday:  square numbers (2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9)
Tuesday:  doubles (all numbers x2)
Wednesday:  fives
Thursday:  threes
Friday:  fours

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya