Friday, November 30, 2012

Curriculum Updates

Please save...
-any family/appropriate magazines that we can use to collage with for future projects please!
-bread clips
-2 liter bottles for Science Force
-boxtops, etc.

*we do not need lids/caps anymore.  Mrs. Avery thanks us!

Please return any completed "Get Active, Get Fit" forms

Mustang Museum
For the next two Mondays, we will visit the Mustang Museum.  The featured artist is Henry Rosseau.  The Mustang Museum is set up to give every child a museum experience!  We will learn about the artist, view his works, analyze them, and draw conclusions!  Not only will we use our HOTS, we will gain knowledge in the Arts and have fun!!

Heritage Night
Please email me if your child would like to take part and is available to play the part (listed earlier this week on the blog).  It is from 5:00-5:20.  Please come out to support our school and celebrate our diverse cultures!  It begins at 6:00.  Mustang Museum and the Book Fair will also be open during these times.

Language Arts

We will have the same spelling words and each group will have a vocabulary quiz this week as well.  We will be reading from Junior Great Books (my favorite!).

Spelling Contract
Spelling contract will continue.   Every week, complete the mandatory assignments.  Then choose at least one activity for each of the areas:  Technological Literacy and Writer’s Craft/Vocabulary Acquisition.  Mandatory Assignments: Cursive 3x’s each and an End of the week Pretest with a parent/guardian signature verifying your score.  Write each incorrect word 5 times.

Writer’s Craft/Vocabulary Acquisition:   -choose one (any of these can be typed!)
1. Write ten awesome sentences. 
2. Story Bird
3. Picture Illustration Elaboration
4. Poetry
5. Letter.
6. Powerpoint Presentation
7. Write a play or reader’s theater that includes 10 words.
8. Create a crossword puzzle - – you must write the definitions for ten words, and then solve the crossword puzzle.      
Technological Literacy:   - choose one
1. Create a wordle of this week’s spelling words.  Print and attach to your contract.
2. Spelling City (words are updated already!) and do 2 different activities with your list.  
3. – create a word search, print, then find all 20 words.
4. Storybird (see above)
5. Powerpoint presentation (see above)
*Have another creative idea or suggestion?  Submit it to Ms. Serafin for approval!

Visual Dictionary
Some of the kids had trouble with a few words, like freight and seize.  A cool tool is the visual dictionary (I also added it to my portaportal!)

Pink group:

Tuesday of the Other June

Spelling Words                 


Vocabulary Words

recited:  said or repeated something out loud

worrywart:  someone who worries too much

torment:  to cause great pain or suffering

adjust:  to become more and more comfortable

bureau: a low chest of drawers for use in a bedroom

Green group:
The Fisherman and His Wife

Spelling Words                 


Vocabulary Words

dreadful-bad, awful

restless- discontented, unhappy (can also mean not able to sit still)

obliged-had to do something

angled- fished with a hook

fortnight- 2 weeks

larder- a place where food is stored; pantry

herald- messenger

scepter- a staff or baton used as a sign of authority

Social Studies: 

Here is the quiz we took today - I could really tell they had been studying and making great connections this week and as we were reviewing!   We will finish our economics unit on Tuesday/Wednesday (conversation has been so rich that we are usually taking longer than I originally allot for it!), and begin FDR on Wednesday/Thursday.  We will take the test for Economics on Thursday.  TAG will take it that morning before they leave.
-We will test on the back side of the study guide.    

Social Studies Quiz:  Economics
I. Match the definition to the correct vocabulary word.

1.     ________Currency
2.    ________Income
3.    ________Goods
4.    ________Services
5.    ________Budget
6.    ________Economy

a.    A plan for using money
b.    The form of money that people in a country use
c.    Forms of work people do for other people
d.    Things people buy or sell
e.    The way people make, buy, sell, and use things.
f.    The money people earn for work

II. Match the type of resource to the definition.

7.    ________Natural resource
8.    ________Capital resource
9.    ________Human resources

a.    Things made by people that help people or provide a service (roads, tractors, buildings)
b.    The skills, knowledge, and hard work that people bring to their jobs (manual labor, like a man building a chair or sharing knowledge, like a lawyer)
c.    Things found in nature and used by people (trees)

10.  Identify each of the following as a need or a want.

·         ___________The iPhone5
·         ___________Winter coat
·         ___________Electricity
·         ___________A scooter
·         ___________Clean, running water
·         ___________Manicure at the salon
·         ___________Shelter
·         ___________Food
·         ___________Candy
·         ___________Eating at a restaurant

11.  Identify the following as a good or a service.

·         ___________Frozen Yogurt
·         ___________Going to the Doctor
·         ___________A lawyer
·         ___________New bicycle
·         ___________Getting your hair cut
·         ___________A new outfit
·         ___________A Babysitter watching you
·         ___________An Ipad

12.   Why should you use your money wisely?  Explain at least one reason.
13.  Budget:  why would a family have a budget?  Why are budgets important?
14.  What is something that you want to save your money to buy?
15.  What is the currency of the USA?  ______________________________________________

16.  Name one other currency from around the world:  ___________________________________

In math we will continue to find the area of rectangles, squares, and rectilinear (T, L, etc.-shaped polygons) shapes.  We will use strategies to break rectilinear shapes into smaller rectangles then add the areas together.  We will continue with word problems that give both the dimensions or ask the children to undo the area to find missing dimensions.  We will also focus on two-step word problems.  The kids have loved area so far and really are grasping it!!  While there are many strategies to find area, we really want them to use multiplication as the basis for their problem-solving.  

Some key words we will learn/revisit include:

Sneaky Key Words in Word Problems:
Words like half, double, and triple seem innocent enough… but what do they mean in a math word problem?
Half = divide it into two (literally half of the number they give you).  Now you try:

half of 10 =  _____
half of 100 =  _____
half of 50 =  _____
half of 24 =  _____

Double = multiply the number times two.

double 10 =  _____
double 100 =  _____
double 50 =  _____
double 24 =  _____

Triple = multiply the number times three

Seven tripled = _____
Ten tripled = _____

We will then apply these in area word problems.  


Lab: Foreign Currency Investigation

Thank you to all of the families that sent in currencies from around the world!  We were able to investigate currencies from:  China, India, England, Bahamas, Mexico, Canada, France, Domican Republic, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Japan, Bolivia, Euros (multiple countries in Europe), Kuwait, as well as some of the more rare US coins!

Interesting Article from the TAG department

10 Best Ways to Cultivate Curiosity in Kids
By Josh Clark

There's something very cynical about telling another person that curiosity killed the cat without adding that satisfaction brought him back. Doubt, insecurity, anxiety and a fear of failure are what keep us from exploring the world around us. By allowing our curiosity to get the best of us, however, we can be greatly rewarded with learning about new cultures, new interests and new ways of looking at life.

Research indicates that we learn by exploring, and even once we've gotten a handle on life, our curiosity remains. But this trait must be cultivated; it can easily be lost and replaced with mundaneness. With little effort and a bit of foresight, parents can help cultivate their children's curiosity. Even better, sparking curiosity in children can help do the same for the adults around them.

Here are 10 ways that parents can cultivate curiosity in kids and create a lifelong love of learning.
Let your Child Take the Reins
As we've just seen, allowing your child to guide the conversation can spark curiosity, or at least support the curiosity he or she has recently pursued. Don't stop there, however.

That trip to the grocery store or the museum, the times when you're tending your parent-child garden, the wild swings in interest. All of these are times when it's all right to allow your child to let his or her curiosity go wherever it may lead. There are plenty of moments when your son or daughter will require your guidance, but there are also moments when he or she should be able to lead the inquisitive parade.

This will inherently require some toughness from you as a parent. When you let your child take the lead, you are, from time to time, inherently setting him up for failure. And your child will fail. But don't let your natural protectiveness stop you or your child from letting curiosity take over.
Get Involved in Your Child's Studies
Quick: What is your child studying in science class this week? Not sure? Then you've just discovered a new opportunity to cultivate your child's curiosity.

Engage your child in a conversation about his or her current studies. Let your child take the lead in the conversation, with you simply asking questions. Even if he or she is recounting something you're already familiar with, try to repress the urge to guide the conversation. The same tactic can also be used for extracurricular activities, like that astronomy club or trumpet lesson.

If your child is getting older and has already mastered the art of eye-rolling, step things up a bit. Ask the child about the coolest thing he or she's learned recently. By drawing yourself closer to your child's studies, you'll not only support curious inquiry, you'll also engage them on a personal level based on your child's day to day life. Open lines of communication are important, and sometimes, the child should lead the discussion.
Allow Field Trips and Home-Based Discovery
We've already seen a trip to the grocery store can be a big opportunity for curiosity. Just think about the abundance that awaits at places that are geared toward sparking curiosity.

A simple leisurely walk through a children's museum or a museum of art or history will often spark curiosity on its own, even your child grudgingly agrees to go along. But taking the time to ask open-ended questions about the exhibits can help ignite the spark into a flame. Queries like "What do you think life was like for Neanderthals?" or "I wonder how the artist got the eyes in this painting to follow us around" can truly help to cultivate curiosity, even if neither one of you has a clue to the answer.

You can also set up moments that can inspire curiosity at home. Varied gardens, for example, give you an opportunity to spend time with your kids, offer a glimpse into the inner workings of an often-overlooked world and can lend your child a sense of accomplishment and pride in the finished product.

Allow for Flexible Thinking
As adults, we may have finally given in to believing that there's one way to do things: the right way. In our daily lives, we have deadlines that have to be met and a certain way of delivering our work in a quick and efficient way. Curiosity doesn't work like this. In fact, it represents pretty much the opposite of that mentality.

Psychologist Todd Kashdan recommends being aware of our tendencies to view things through a single lens when we're instructing our children. He uses the example of teaching a youngster how to hold a baseball bat. Instead of telling the child you're teaching him or her the correct way, tell the kid this is one way to hold the bat. Leaving the instruction open to interpretation also leaves the door open to curiosity. This method of teaching also cuts down on the fear of failure. Implying that there are other ways to hold a bat (and view the world) lends more freedom to a child to explore other ways as well without worrying about letting you down or doing something the wrong way.

Recognize Everyday Opportinities
When you're in the grocery store, the list you carry with you is probably really similar to the list you had last week and the week before. But each time you pass by the foods that don't quite make sense, you pass by an opportunity to spark curiosity in your child (and yourself).

There's a big, wide world out there, but don't take for granted that your child is aware of it. Take the initiative to try new things from other places to expand this awareness. This can be as simple as a testing out a food from another land for a single dinner. Let your keyword searches guide you: before leaving work, search the Internet for interesting facts about another country with great cuisine, like India or Thailand. During the meal, announce your discoveries. Not only will you create the potential for cultivating curiosity in your child, you may ignite your own as well.

And this is just dinner we're talking about. Everything from a trip to IKEA for some dishware to a family vacation can present opportunities for cultivating curiosity. Imagine the possibilities.
Embrace Anxiety
It can be scary, trying new things. Oftentimes, taking up a new interest means meeting new people, and when we investigate a new topic, there is an inherent risk that we won't fully grasp it. This is tantamount to failure, which can prevent us from seeking new areas of interest.

The fear of the unknown can breed anxiety, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. George Mason University psychologist Todd Kashdan views anxiety as the opposite side of the same coin that excitement dwells. By recognizing anxiety is present when we undertake new explorations, we are effectively taking some of the scare out, which allows the other side to fill the void.

By reassuring your child that it's okay to feel anxious when trying out a new thing, but predicting that he or she will experience real excitement once it's over, curiosity can be cultivated. We are rewarded with a pleasurable feeling when we try something new, and our confidence tends to grow with each success. Even the sense of failure may be displaced by the sense of accomplishment and bravery shown by investigating a new interest.
Don't Inadvertently Stunt Curiosity
Peers aren't the only group that can stunt curiosity in children. Even as innocently as we may do it, adults and even parents can send the message that curiosity is an undesirable trait.

In some moments it's harder to encourage curiosity than others. A trip to a museum is a ready-made opportunity to cultivate curiosity; washing dishes or watching the game may be a little harder to see as such an occasion. Questions from our kids come at unpredictable times, whether we're ready for them or not. But each question asked is a chance to expand curiosity.

It's easy to answer uninvited questions at inopportune moments with an "I don't know," and a shrug of the shoulders. This can stymie curiosity in children, especially if the question is answered curtly or the child is treated as a bother. Of course, not every question is going to be met with aplomb and enthusiasm. But whenever you can muster the energy, take time out to answer questions from your kids. Don't be afraid to say you don't know; take the opportunity to go research the answer together. You'll likely find that the line of questioning will run its course fairly quickly, and, honestly, the dishes can wait.
Be Aware of Disengagement
Letting your child know that it's all right to become disinterested in one topic for another (and doing your best to forget about the $150 price tag for that trumpet he no longer plays) is an excellent way to foster curiosity. Just look out for signs of disengagement, like dropping an interest and not replacing it with another.

This is especially significant with the onset of puberty, when the opposite sex becomes vastly more interesting. Encouraging your child to maintain at least one hobby or join at least one club her or she finds interesting can help prevent them from engaging in risky behavior during their teenage years.

Much of the threat to curiosity comes from other kids. Unfortunately, children aren't curious in equal measure. As the teenage years continue, the pressure to conform to the group -- which will generally not have a vital interest in trumpets, astronomy or other topics of curiosity -- can lead your child to drop his or her childhood interests in favor of being accepted.

Let your kid know he or she can be both cool and interested in life.
Support Deep Interests
If you're lucky enough that your child has focused in on one (inexpensive) interest, throw everything you've got at it. In addition to breadth, psychology also measures levels of curiosity by depth. A child who is intensely interested in the cosmos but couldn't care less about anything else is still curious by definition.

Within a single topic, especially a broad one like astronomy or space exploration, there are worlds of related information. An interest in stars can lead to the discovery of black holes, which further involve the child in mental exploration.

You're going to want to keep an eye out for a lack of socialization, however. Studies have shown that kids who are deeply curious about a single topic may have trouble integrating into their peer groups. Make sure that along with the topic of interest, your child also takes time to hang out with other kids. One good idea is to find clubs that are based around your kid's interest. She and other kids with the same interest will have a lot to talk about.

Encourage Dabbling

One of the ways that psychologists evaluate curiosity is by its breadth -- the span across topics that draw a person's attention. Dabbling in everything from a foreign language, to the trumpet, to dinosaurs doesn't mean a child is fickle; it's a sign of a healthy curiosity. Encourage it.

While this will likely mean a lot of trips to clubs and functions that taper off quickly as soon as a new interest is discovered, this is a small price to pay to cultivate curiosity in a child. Studies have shown that people who display signs of trait curiosity, a lifelong drive to find new things or deeply investigate others, tend to score high on life satisfaction scales in adulthood.

Certainly, no one expects parents to clear out the section related to their child's most recent interest at the book store. But a single book, a documentary, a puzzle or day trip can both stoke the child's excitement and satisfy their curiosity.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, 11.29 HW

  • ELA
    • Spelling Contract is due tomorrow.  You may email me any technology projects or have your child bring it in on a flash drive.  If you would like, you can also print the powerpoint presentation (handout style) and staple that to the spelling contract. 
      • I'd love feedback on the updated version of the spelling contract!  I want to make learning as meaningful as possible!
  • Math
    • HOTS POW due
    • Area page f/b
SS - yet again, we became so engrossed in the SS lesson, that we ran out of time to compare currencies.  It is on the board and we will not forget tomorrow!!  

Social Studies

There is also a great link for books about making and spending money wisely:

Baby-Sitting Is a Dangerous Job
by Willo Davis Roberts
Babysitting is not all watching television and putting the kids to bed-as a babysitter and her three sittees find out when they must outwit a group of bumbling kidnappers. Never has earning a few bucks been so adventurous!
Double Fudge
by Judy Blume
Fudge Hatcher has returned and this time he has money on his mind. When Fudge discovers money and thinks his family doesn't have enough, he comes up with an imaginative way to earn and distribute his own Fudge Bucks.
Money Hungry
by Sharon G. Flake
At 13, Raspberry feels like there are more important things to worry about than money. This all changes when she finds that she and her mother are in danger of losing their home. Now Raspberry's only goal is to make money and keep her family from ever being homeless again.
On the Job (Lizzie McGuire Series #11)
by Lisa Papademetriou, created by Terry Minsky, Nina G. Bargiel
Lizzie McGuire is used to getting what she wants but when her parents refuse to increase her allowance it's financial crisis time! Lizzie decides to get her first job at her favorite hangout, the Digital Bean, and soon realizes that while earning money is great, work can be, well- work!
True Believer
by Virginia Euwer Wolff, Russell Gordon (Illustrator)
Teenager LaVaughn knows what it's like to experience hardship. She lives with her single mother and is constantly surrounded by poverty and violence. LaVaughn knows she has a chance to escape by studying hard and learning the value behind her first job at a children's hospital, which inspires her dream of becoming a nurse.
Fast Cash for Kids
by Bonnie J. Drew, Noel Drew
This book offers dozens of moneymaking activities that kids can undertake year-round, a helpful step-by-step business plan, and true-life success stories of young entrepreneurs.
The Kid's Guide to Money: Earning It, Saving It, Spending It, Growing It, Sharing It
by Steve Otfinoski, Kelly Kennedy (Illustrator)
This book explains different ways kids can earn money as well as how to save for a big purchase and how to get the most value for your money.
The Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids
by Adriane G. Berg, Arthur Berg Bochner
Arthur has written this helpful guide to making and managing money specifically for kids like him! With cartoons, drawings, quizzes, games, riddles, stories, and an introduction for parents by Arthur's mom.
Ultimate Kids' Money Book
by Neale S. Godfrey
This book uses illustrations, photographs, charts, and diagrams to explain everything kids need to know about money, including how to earn it, save it, spend it, and share it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Heritage Night Help - Be a part of my presentation!

Hi parents!  I am scheduled to read for Heritage Night and I am looking for a few great helpers to be a part of it.  I will be looking for two actors to play the part of Papa and baby boy.  We will need red fabric if anyone has any for us to borrow for their costumes.  We will make an African safari backdrop that the students will create.  Any stuffed jungle animals or any other props related would be awesome!!  Have your child let me know if he/she is interested!

Wed, 11/28 HW

  • ELA
    • Spelling Contract
      • The kids have asked about saving technology projects on a flash/zip/thumb/USB drive to work on at home and at school - that is PERFECT!!!!  
    • Figurative language
      • Listen for figurative language:  write down at least one example (simile or metaphor)
        • 5 examples=1 sticker
        • 10 examples=2 stickers!!!
  • Math
    • Area practice page f/b 
    • Study facts - remember we have timings every week!  
  • SS
    • Talk about budgets with your family:  do you have a budget? how do you figure out how much to spend on needs vs. wants?  
    • study vocab words
The kids have done a PHENOMENAL job writing professional business letters for their states.  I had them print a copy so you can see their hard work - it will be included in next week's signed papers.

They also ate up (hehe!) figurative language today.  I told the kids I would post the simile and metaphor skits we did in class today:

We have also discussed being generous and willing to share.  We have used social studies to talk perspective and open our eyes to how rich the USA is, especially in comparison to kids in third world countries around the world.  

Interesting facts:  
-If your household makes more than $48,000 a year, you are in the top 1% of the WORLD.  
-Men in third world countries make about a dollar a day.  
-Less than 10% of the world owns a car.  Most of our families have TWO!  

We also discussed budgeting:  saving, giving, and living on the rest.  The kids were amazing at discerning a need vs. a want.  I was so impressed!!  How does your family budget? Is it a team effort?  Do kids have an idea about spending money? This is by far one of the most relevant units we have.  The kids love learning and discussing the economy! 

Finally, tomorrow we will be comparing and contrasting the money around the world, so last chance to loan some to our class to investigate!  It will be returned!  :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Great article / HW 11/27

I received this article from the head of the TAG department (I am currently getting my TAG endorsement) and I thought I would share it:  A very interesting article, and shows the importance of having a "growth mindset".

Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning

  • ELA
    • Spelling Contract
  • Math
    • Area practice page f/b
All About Area – Cheat Sheet
What is area?  Area is the amount of space inside of a shape.  It is measured in square units. 
What strategies can I use to find area?
1.     Count all of the squares
2.    Count the dimensions of the shape:
a.    Multiply the length times the width
b.    Use repeated addition
3.    Break the shape into pieces and find the area of each piece, then add the parts together.
4.    For missing pieces:
a.    Multiply the dimensions, then subtract the missing parts
b.    Count all of the squares
c.    Break apart the shape and find the area of each smaller part, then add them all together
  • SS 
    • Begin reviewing the material (a few ideas each evening) 
      • So far we have covered:  economy, currency, goods, products, supply, demand
    • You can still send in foreign currency (the kids love to compare and contrast them!!)
Here are the links from Social Studies that I told the students I would share:  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, 11/26 HW

  • ELA
    • Spelling Contract - please note the new options.  We worked for 20 minutes on cursive today so I could check their progress and give them feedback.  
  • Math
    • HOTS POW
    • pg. 78 f/b 
    • The students have their study guides for the unit.  Please do not do anything with the study guide until the assigned night.  
  • SS
    • Bring in foreign currency (it will be returned by Friday!!) to compare and contrast currencies around the world!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Curriculum Updates

Next week begins a new math and social studies unit.  We are also beginning our next Spelling Contract!  

Spelling:  New spelling contract starts on Monday!  (See last Friday's post!)  Words are already on Spelling City for week 16.  Log in :  serafinj  //  Password:  spelling  //  Find a list:  2012 week 16 words

Students will also start using Study Island weekly - they need to take two-four focus skills practice, play games and finally quiz at the end of the week.  There are also math assignments for our next unit.  We will start sharing Blue Ribbons with the class!
Log in Example:  Jennifer Serafin so my username is:  Jserafin@mbes (first initial, last name @mbes)
Password:  mustang (Please, DO NOT CHANGE THE PASSWORD - this is a school-wide policy!!)

Serafin Advanced and Accelerated Spelling Words Week 16


Math Unit 4 begins Monday! This is a 14 day unit, we will test on Thursday, December 13.  
Unit 4
Operations in Algebraic Thinking: Patterns in Addition and Multiplication

Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.
MCC.3.OA.8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
MCC.3.OA.9. Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends.

Represent and interpret data.
MCC.3.MD.3. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
MCC.3.MD.4. Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units— whole numbers, halves, or quarters.

Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.
MCC.3.MD.5. Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.
a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area.
b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units.
MCC.3.MD.6. Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and improvised units).
MCC.3.MD.7. Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
a. Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths.
b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.
c. Use tiling to show, in a concrete case, that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths a and b + c is the sum of a × b and a × c. Use area models to represent the distributive property in mathematical reasoning.
d. Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems.

• By using an area model to learn multiplication, how many number patterns of multiplication are displayed?
• Can one area measurement of a rectangle produce different dimension measurements? Of a square?
• Can the same area measurement produce different size rectangles? (Ex. 24 sq.units can produce a rectangle that is a 3 x 8, 4 x 6, 1 x 24, 2 x 12)
• Do different dimensions with the same area cover the same amount of space?
(Ex. Is a 3 x8 the same area as a 1 x 24?)
• How are multiplication and addition different? How are they the same?
• How are the same number of tiles with different square unit measurements such as square feet, inches, cm, and mm significantly different?
• How can an addition table help you explain the commutative property of multiplication?
• How can multiple math operations be used to solve real world problems?
• How can the same area model represent both multiplication and division?
• How can we connect multiplication facts with their area models?
• How can we determine numbers that are missing on a multiplication chart by knowing multiplication patterns?
• How can we use patterns to solve problems?
• How do estimation, multiplication, and division help us solve problems in everyday life?
• How do rectangle dimensions impact the area of the rectangle?
• How does an area model relate to the commutative property of multiplication?
• How does drawing an area model help us think about different ways to decompose a number?
• How does knowing the area of a square or rectangle relate to knowing different multiplication facts?
• How does knowing the dimensions of a rectangle relate to multiplication?
• How does knowing the dimensions of two sides help you determine the perimeter of the whole plane

·      How does the order of the digits in a multiplication problem affect the product?
• How does understanding the distributive property help us multiply large numbers?
• How is a pattern related to multiplication?
• How is the commutative property of multiplication evident in an area model?
• How is the decomposition of a factor in an equation related to the distributive property of multiplication?
• Is there more than one way of multiplying to get the same product?
• Why are mathematical expressions important in problems involving two or more math operations?
• What does it mean to decompose a number?
• What is area?
• What is the connection between area models and skip counting?
• What is the connection between a pictograph and problem solving?
• What is the relationship between a multiplication chart and an area model?
• What is the relationship between addition and multiplication?
• What is the relationship between dimensions and factors?
• What is the relationship between the product and the sum?
• What makes an area model a good representation for multiplication?
• How can what I understand about area help me to understand multiplication and addition patterns?
• What patterns of multiplication can we discover by studying a multiplication chart?
• What is a pattern?
• What is the difference between an expression and an equation?
• What is the relationship between a pictograph and problem solving?
• What’s the relationship between the picture’s value and patterns found in multiplication?
• When solving equations, why must the operations be completed in a certain order?
• Why are square units commonly associated with finding area?
• Why is it important to know the difference in between the square unit measurements?
• Why is it important to understand that more than one math operation may be needed to solve a problem? 

On level Study Guide:

Name:  __________________________________________  Test is on:  __________________
Unit 4 Study Guide – On Level

2. ________________________________________________
 What patterns do you notice on an addition table?  Find at least three patterns.

2. ________________________________________________
What patterns do you notice on a multiplication table?  Find at least three patterns.
3.    Identify what is wrong with the following patterns, then correct them.
5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40   ___________________________________________________________
3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 22  ___________________________________________________________
2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ____________________________________________________________

4.    Find the area of the shaded part (Shade in partial pieces of squares)
5.    What is the area of the shaded part?   _________________________
6.    What is the area?  ________________________
7.    Which two shapes have an equal area? Draw in

How to find the area:  ________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________What is the area? ________________________________________________________
Explain how to find the area of a shape like this.
9.    Can you (as a third grader!) find the area of a shape with curves? 
Yes or No and why: 
10.  How can you use addition and multiplication to find the area of the shape below?



11.  Write the area of each shape.  Then, circle the shapes with equal areas.

12.  Area word problems (double the area, half the length, etc.)
a.     Mrs. Thompson’s living room is 40 square feet.  The den is half the size.  What is the area of the den?

b.    Margaret’s carpet is double Paula’s.  Paula’s rug is 15 square feet.  What is the area of Margaret’s rug?

c.    Stephanie’s garden is 10 feet long.  The width is half the length.  What is the length?  _____
What is the area of the garden?  _______

d.    David has 87 ninjago legos.  Timothy has 73 ninjago legos.  They put all of their legos together then decided to share them equally.  How many will each of them receive?  ___________

13.  Write a number sentence for each of the following problems, then solve the problem.
a.    I have $50 in my bank account.  I spent $23 at Target and $6 at Moe’s.  How much do I have left?
Number sentence:  __________________________________  Answer:  _____________________

b.    Mrs. Bergen collected $129 for gifts for her class.  She spent $45 on pencils and erasers.  After that, she went to the art store and bought paint and brushes for $68.  How much does she have left?
Number sentence:  __________________________________  Answer:  _____________________

14.  Create a bar graph based on the areas of our neighbor’s gardens.  Don’t forget to include a title, to label the X and Y axis, and to use an appropriate scale and interval.
16 sq. feet
30 sq. feet
28 sq. feet
36 sq. feet
24 sq. feet

Write two statements about the data:
15.  Match a line plot with a measurement using a ruler

1. _____________

A.                               X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3
B.                                                                                                                 X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3
C.                                                                X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3

Advanced Study Guide: (Your Child will receive a printed one on Monday).
Name:  __________________________________________  Test is on:  __________________
Unit 4 Study Guide – ADV Level

2. ________________________________________________
 What patterns do you notice on an addition table?  Find at least three patterns.

2. ________________________________________________
What patterns do you notice on a multiplication table?  Find at least three patterns.
3.    Identify what is wrong with the following patterns, then correct them.
5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40   ___________________________________________________________
3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 22  ___________________________________________________________
2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ____________________________________________________________

4.    Find the area of the shaded part (Shade in partial pieces of squares)
5.    What is the area of the shaded part?   _________________________
6.    What is the area?  ________________________
7.    Which two shapes have an equal area? Draw in

How to find the area:  ________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________What is the area? ________________________________________________________
Explain how to find the area of a shape like this.
9.    Can you (as a third grader!) find the area of a shape with curves? 
Yes or No and why: 
10.  How can you use addition and multiplication to find the area of the shape below?



11.  Write the area of each shape.  Then, circle the shapes with equal areas.

12.  Area word problems (double the area, half the length, etc.)
a.     Mrs. Thompson’s living room is 40 square feet.  The den is half the size.  What is the area of the den?

b.    Margaret’s carpet is double Paula’s.  Paula’s rug is 15 square feet.  What is the area of Margaret’s rug?

c.    Stephanie’s garden is 10 feet long.  The width is half the length.  What is the length?  _____
What is the area of the garden?  _______

d.    David has 87 ninjago legos.  Timothy has 73 ninjago legos.  They put all of their legos together then decided to share them equally.  How many will each of them receive?  ___________

13.  Write a number sentence for each of the following problems, then solve the problem.
a.    I have $50 in my bank account.  I spent $23 at Target and $6 at Moe’s.  How much do I have left?
Number sentence:  __________________________________  Answer:  _____________________

b.    Mrs. Bergen collected $129 for gifts for her class.  She spent $45 on pencils and erasers.  After that, she went to the art store and bought paint and brushes for $68.  How much does she have left?
Number sentence:  __________________________________  Answer:  _____________________

14.  Create a bar graph based on the areas of our neighbor’s gardens.  Don’t forget to include a title, to label the X and Y axis, and to use an appropriate scale and interval.
16 sq. feet
30 sq. feet
28 sq. feet
36 sq. feet
24 sq. feet

Write two statements about the data:
15.  Match a line plot with a measurement using a ruler

1. _____________

A.                               X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3
B.                                                                                                                 X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3
C.                                                                X

                   1                                                              2                                                             3

16.  List all of the dimensions a garden could be with the area 24 square feet:

17.  List all of the dimensions a bedroom could be with the area 36 square feet:

18.  Word problems with patterns:
a.    I start at the number 16.  I add 4 five times.  What number to I end on?

b.    I start at the number 13.  I skip count by three four times.  Where do I end?

c.    I start on the number 5.  I follow a +4 pattern.  Where will I end after 4 moves?
19.  Find the missing dimensions
Area:  150 square feet      Dimensions:  10 feet X  _______

Area:  240 square feet     Dimensions:  ______ X 12 feet

Area:  45 square feet       Dimensions:  9 feet X  ________

Social Studies:  We begin Unit 3 - Economics and Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Monday
Part 1:  9 days (Economics) - Test   Part 2:  5 days (FDR)
Economics Unit                      9 Days  
 SS3E2 The student will explain that governments provide certain types of goods and services in a market economy, and pay for these through taxes and will describe services such as schools, libraries, roads, police/fire protection, and military.
SS3E3 The student will give examples of interdependence and trade and will explain how voluntary exchange benefits both parties.
a. Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers of goods and services.
b. Describe how goods and services are allocated by price in the marketplace.
c. Explain that some things are made locally, some elsewhere in the country, and some in other countries.
d. Explain that most countries create their own currency for use as money.
SS3E4 The student will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and saving choices.

Essential Questions:
Why must people make decisions about the use of productive resources? 
Why do governments provide goods and services to citizens?
How are consumers and producers interdependent? 
How do decisions about spending money have both costs and benefits?
How do decisions about saving money have both costs and benefits?

Study Guide:
What are goods and give 2 examples? _________________________________
What are services and give 2 examples? _______________________________
Who is a producer?_______________________________________________
Who is a consumer?_______________________________________________
How are consumers and producers related?______________________________
What is supply and demand?________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
opportunity cost_________________________________________________
international trade_______________________________________________
natural resources________________________________________________

capital resources_________________________________________________
human resources_________________________________________________

World Democracy and FDR             5 days                               
SS3H2 The student will discuss the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal and World War II), who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy.
SS3G2 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with Franklin Roosevelt.
SS3CG2 The student will discuss the character of Roosevelt.
Essential Questions
How did Franklin D. Roosevelt expand the civil rights and freedoms of people in our country?
How did Franklin D. Roosevelt show positive character traits such as diligence, justice, and respect for authority?
How did geography influence the actions and accomplishments by Franklin D. Roosevelt?
How did Franklin D. Roosevelt use productive resources that in her occupation and her life’s activities?
How did the actions of the local, state, and federal governments impact Franklin D. Roosevelt?
How were Franklin D. Roosevelt’s actions related to the actions of others? 

Study Guide:
FDR and World Democracy Study Guide    Test is ________________.

Franklin Roosevelt was born in ____________________________.  He believed in working for the good of others which is called ________________________ .
FDR got a serious disease called _______________________.  He visited __________________________________ many times during his lifetime to  help relieve the pain of this disease. 
How many times was FDR elected President of the US? _______________
What is an opponent in an election?________________________________

Our country entered a time called the Great Depression during his presidency.  What was the Great Depression and what year did it occur? ______________________________________________________________

FDR’s economic plan to help the US was called __________________________. 

Some of the programs in this plan were:
FDR spoke with the American people on the ___________________.  His speeches became known as ________________________________.  Most of the American people were not aware that FDR was ______________________. 
During his presidency, the US entered World War __________.   Our soldiers were trying to ________________________________________________
FDR demonstrated what character trait? _____________________________

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya