- ELA homework:
- Study vocab for Thursday
- Persuasion homework: (they have this already, but in case they forgot it)
- *Brainstorm an object/creation that you are going to create an advertisement for in class. Tell me about the item.
- *What does it have? Why should I buy it? What makes yours better or different?
- *Remember your elements of persuasion: Slogans, color, adjectives, picture, target audience, etc.
- Math: elapsed time page f/b
- Progress Skills Checklist Envelope ONLY and Signed papers (home on a Tuesday-wahoo!!!)
- Young Author's entries due Thursday!
- Food drive going on! We are up to 2 1/2 boxes full! Keep it coming!! :)
Pink Vocab:
DMH Vocabulary Words
Segment Two (pp. 34-66)
bandana - a large handkerchief usually with a colorful design printed on it
loner - one that avoids others
cautious - marked by or given to caution
partition – separation; an interior dividing wall
broker - a person who acts as an agent in the purchase and sale of property
snitch - a person who snitches; tattletale
fictitious - not real; made up; imaginary
halyard - a rope or tackle for raising and lowering (as a sail)
Green Vocab:
courtesy - being polite and thoughtful
virtue - knowing and doing what is good
sufficient - enough
magistrate - an officer in charge of carrying out the law
conscientious - careful
obstacle - something that hinders progress or achievement
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