Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, 3/28 HW

Just one more day until Spring Break!!!!  Visions without packets, study guides, study island, practice tests, HOTS POW, contracts, and reading logs await you!!!

-review packet (23 questions) - a lot of them are quite easy!
-Hots pow due

-packet due

-study for vocab, rivers/mountains and Lyndon - we did every question on both tests today - they are all multiple choice, and the kids should be fine!  DO  review the study guides though!

Forgot to post this from a few weekends ago supporting Joseph and one of my past students, Luke, in the play, Oliver!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, 3/27

-CRCT packet #1-20 (the first set only!)

-CRCT grammar packet due on Friday

Study for SS - rivers and mountains, and map vocab!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, 3/26

Field day orders are due THURSDAY!! NO late orders are accepted - Coach Rogers is serious about that!  Let me know ASAP if you need another order form!

Signed papers and report cards are coming home today. Please review and return signed papers, and sign and return the envelope only for the report card.  ***I forgot to staple them! I will send them tomorrow!


-13, 48, 66 backs only

-grammar packet - due Friday!

-study for maps vocab test (on Thursday)
-study for rivers/mountains quiz

Equator:   a line of latitude that circles the globe exactly halfway between the North and South Poles
Key:   the part of a map that explains any symbols or colors on a map
Longitude:  lines that cross a globe from north to south
Latitude:  lines that cross a globe from east to west
Map:  a special drawing of all or part of the earth as seen from above
Globe:  a model of the earth that is round like a ball
Scale:  the relationship between the real size of something and the size of the map that represents it
Compass rose:  a set of arrow that point north, south, east, and west on a map
Prime Meridian: a longitude line that separates the Western Hemisphere from the Eastern Hemisphere of the earth
Political map:  shows boundaries of countries and states
Natural (physical) map:  shows landforms, bodies of water, and resources
Cultural map:  shows highways, cities, and capitals

We are also working in Lyndon B. Johnson.  Test is Friday.

Name:  ______________________________
Test is ________________________________________.

Study Guide:  Lyndon B. Johnson


civil rights:________________________________________________




Why did Lyndon B. Johnson become President of the United States?


What were some of the improvements that Johnson included in his plan called The Great Society?

Explain the purpose of the Head Start Program.  Is it still in use today?

Explain the Voting Rights Act.


REVISED Social Studies:  Lyndon B. Johnson Study Guide

Campaign- the period during which people running for office try to convince          voters to vote for them
Civil rights- the basic rights that all citizens in a country have
Poverty- lack of money                            

Segregation- the practice of keeping people of different races apart
Tolerance- respect for others’ values and beliefs         
Lyndon B. Johnson grew up in a house with no electricity and no running water and that many other people faced the same hardships.  One problem that LBJ wanted to solve was poverty.

Not allowing African Americans to stay at the same hotels or eat at the same restaurants as other people is known as segregation.

Senator Lyndon B. Johnson believed that all citizens share basic freedoms that should be respected, and he persuaded other people to pass laws to protect these freedoms, known as civil rights.

Lyndon B. Johnson believed that everyone deserved to be respected no matter what their differences. This shows LBJ’s tolerance towards others.

After Lyndon B. Johnson served as Vice President, he suddenly became the President of the United States because the President was killed.

LBJ’s work displayed the character trait of diligence when he worked for a long time to end segregation. He succeeded when Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Spending more money to improve education, housing, and health were part of Johnson’s plan, which was called The Great Society.

Part of President Lyndon B. Johnson helped create a government program to help preschool children learn to read.  The program is still in use today; it is called Head Start.

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a law that made it illegal to require African Americans to take tests in order to vote and ended other unfair practices.  The law was called the voting right act.

To pay for the services that government provides, people pay taxes.

Mr. Popper's Projects:  This is what makes my job - when I see my students flourish in creative, intelligent ways to display their learning!!!

Trinity, Kate and Aanya:


Thomas R and Faraz:

Ean and Brandon:



Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday 3/25 HW

-pg. 5 and 12 f/b (both are review)

-Grammar packet is due Friday.  This one is longer than the last two because it's grammar vs. reading comprehension. Any time the kids can add something in rather than rewriting the entire sentence, please do that!

CRCT Updates

CRCT Testing Dates

Testing will take place for grades 3, 4 & 5 students during the morning hours on the following dates:
  • Wednesday, April 10 - Reading
  • Thursday, April 11 - ELA
  • Friday, April 12 - Make-up
  • Monday, April 15 - Math
  • Tuesday, April 16 - Science
  • Wednesday, April 17 - SS
  • Thursday, April 18 - Makeup
  • Friday, April 19 - Makeup
Please avoid scheduling medical appointments for your children during the mornings of testing. Requests for prearranged absences that occur during these dates will not be approved.

If students arrive at school after 8 a.m. they will be sent to the media center until the testing window is over at 11 a.m.

Remember to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast to start the day. - The kids will have NO homework except to go to bed early, eat breakfast, and play outside each day!  :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Curriculum Updates

We are continuing to prepare for CRCT!  We will also be presenting and sharing our HOTS projects for Mr. Popper's Penguins this coming week!  We will not have spelling contract, but will have a Language Arts review packet this week.

We will study maps in SS then Lyndon B. Johnson!

We will review all this week and the two days after we return for Spring Break for the CRCT!  

-Send in field day order forms by 3/28!
-send in flower money for teacher appreciation week asap!
-Signed papers and report cards will go home on Tuesday, 3/26

 SS3G1 The student will locate major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain ranges of the United States of America: Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe.
Map Skills:
1. use map key/legend to acquire information from, historical, physical, political, resource, product and economic maps
2. use cardinal directions
3. use intermediate directions
4. use a letter/number grid system to determine location
5. compare and contrast the categories of natural, cultural, and political features found on maps
6. use inch to inch map scale to determine distance on map
7. use latitude and longitude to determine location
What do you use a map/globe for?
 What type of map shows mountains and rivers?
What is a map key?
What are the types of maps?
How do you find locations on a map?
Can I Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe and map?
Can I Compare and contrast the categories of natural, cultural, and political features found on maps?

Name ___________________ Date __________________
Map Unit Study Guide    Test is ________________________.
1.  globe_______________________________________________
2. map ________________________________________________
­­­­­­­­3. key________________________________________________
4. compass rose_________________________________________
5. scale_______________________________________________
6. lines of longitude______________________________________
7.  Prime Meridian_______________________________________
8. Equator_____________________________________________
9.  lines of latitude______________________________________

The three types of maps are:

cultural map- ____________________________________
natural map-_____________________________________
political map-____________________________________

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Science Experiment

Today we hypothesized, "Why does popcorn pop?"  We used an air popper to see and feel the heat as the particles increased in speed until they POPPED!

Tuesday, 3/19 HW


  • Study guide #1-11
  • CRCT packet due Friday
  • Study for the science test and vocab quiz (we didn't have a study guide as a grade level, so I made one today.  I apologize for the proximity to the test!!)

Name:  _________________________________  #: ______  Date: ________________

Heat Study Guide

Word Bank: 

Thermal Energy

1.                                                                       the measure of how hot or cold something is

2.                                                                      material used to slow the movement
of heat

3.                                                                       the movement of heat between objects that are touching each other

4.                                                                       A force between two moving objects that slows the objects and produces heat

5.                                                                     An object that heat can move through easily

6.                                                                       An object that does not conduct heat well

7.                                                                       The metric scale for measuring temperature

8.                                                                       The movement of thermal energy from hotter to cooler objects

9.                                                                     The form of energy that moves particles of matter

10.  _____________________________ The scale used for measuring temperature in the United States

11.  Circle the correct answer:  When an object is heated, the particles move (FASTER/SLOWER).

12.  List three examples of how you use heat


13.  Does a hot pan have a lot or a little bit of thermal energy?  ____________________

14.  Does a thermometer that reads 25˚Farenheit have a lot or a little bit of thermal
energy?  _____________________________

15.  Match the following types of thermal energy to the correct example:

Type of Thermal Energy being produced
________ Burning
________ Friction
________ Mixing chemicals together

a.  putting baking soda and vinegar together in the same container
b.  a campfire
c.  rubbing your feet on the carpet

  16.  Classify the following items as conductors or insulators:

·         Coat
·         Baking sheet (pan)
·         Cork
·         Aluminum Foil
·         Metal
·         Plastic
·         Gloves
·         Rubber
·         Pot Holders
·         Lunch box
·         Frying pan
·         Frying pan handle
·         Pot
·         Wooden Spoon
·         Tea Kettle
·         Thermos/Travel mug

            Insulators                   Conductors               

17.  Choose the correct answer:  Air is a (GOOD/BAD) insulator. 

18.  Write three things you would use a thermometer to do: 


19.  What produces the heat that warms the Earth?   _____________________________________

20.  What is freezing point?   _______˚C  _______˚F  
What is Boiling Point?  _______˚C  _______˚F

21.  Why do you have to list Celsius or Farenheit when discussing temperature? 


Name:  ________________________________  #: ______  Date: ________________

Heat Study Guide - KEY

Thermal Energy

1.   Temperature  the measure of how hot or cold something is

2.  Insulator  material used to slow the movement of heat

3. Conduction  the movement of heat between objects that are touching each other (think of our train dancing around in a circle!)

4. friction  A force between two moving objects that slows the objects and produces heat

5. conductor An object that heat can move through easily

6. insulator  An object that does not conduct heat well

7. Celsius  The metric scale for measuring temperature

8. Heat  The movement of thermal energy from hotter to cooler objects

9. Thermal energyThe form of energy that moves particles of matter

10.  Farenheit The scale used for measuring temperature in the United States

11.  Circle the correct answer:  When an object is heated, the particles move (FASTER/SLOWER). (think of the popcorn kernels in the air popper!)

12.  List three examples of how you use heat

To cook food, warm your body/house, cars burn gasoline to drive, thermal energy warms water for a
Shower, a blow dryer to dry your hair, an iron to iron your clothes, etc. 

13.  Does a hot pan have a lot or a little bit of thermal energy?  A lot

14.  Does a thermometer that reads 25˚Farenheit have a lot or a little bit of thermal energy? A little

15.  Match the following types of thermal energy to the correct example:

Type of Thermal Energy being produced
____B____ Burning
____C____ Friction
____A____ Mixing chemicals together

a.  putting baking soda and vinegar together in the same container
b.  a campfire
c.  rubbing your feet on the carpet (or your hands together)

  16.  Classify the following items as conductors or insulators:

·         Coat
·         Baking sheet (pan)
·         Cork
·         Aluminum Foil
·         Metal
·         Gloves
·         Pot Holders
·         Lunch box
·         Frying pan
·         Frying pan handle
·         Pot
·         Wooden Spoon
·         Tea Kettle
·         Thermos/Travel mug

            Insulators                   Conductors               
Baking sheet
Frying Pan
Tea Kettle
Metal spoon

Aluminum Foil
Pot Holders
Lunch Box
Frying Pan handle
Wooden Spoon
Thermos/travel mug

17.  Choose the correct answer:  Air is a (GOOD/BAD) insulator. 

18.  Write three things you would use a thermometer to do: 

Measure your body temperature, the temperature of food (meat), and the temperature outside

19.  What produces the heat that warms the Earth? The Sun

20.  What is freezing point?   0˚C      32˚F  What is Boiling Point?  100˚C     212˚F

21.  Why do you have to list Celsius or Farenheit when discussing temperature? 
You need to identify the scale you are using so that people understand what the temperature means. 
100 C and 100 F are very different!  Scientists need to be able to communicate with each other. 

Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya