Friday, March 1, 2013


Congrats and great job to our class for winning the BoxTops contest for third grade!  We have won a Popsicle party!!

Here is our human clock!

We've been practicing time - please continue to study. The students do have some practice this weekend - I apologize for weekend homework, but we did to practice!  Telling time to the 5 minutes is a second grade standard, so this shouldn't be a big jump.  We just need to practice!

We are writing persuasive pieces that are meaningful.  Above shows advanced organization and brainstorming.  Ideas are 40% of the grade on the Georgia Writing Assessment and Write Scores tests. 

Green Group Spelling List – Week 8

1.            curl
2.           birth
3.           burned
4.           perfect
5.           thirty
6.           church
7.           firm
8.           skirt
9.           clerk
10.        jerked
11.         dirt
12.        shirt
13.        person
14.        purse
15.        nurse
16.        irritate
17.        perfect
18.        persuade
19.        worth
20.       fourth

Pink Group – Week 8

Spelling Words


SS - Thurgood Marshall - We will test on Wednesday

Thurgood Marshall
Study Guide

The test is: ________________________

Vocabulary:  Write the definition for each vocabulary word.
Debate: ___________________________________________________
Freedom of conscience and expression: ___________________________
Segregation: _______________________________________________
Civil Rights: ________________________________________________
Boycott: _______________________________________________
Authority: _________________________________________________
NAACP: ___________________________________________________

Write the answer to each question on the line.
  1. How did memorizing the Constitution help Marshall later on in life?
  1. What rules made it so that Marshall and his friends had to sit in the balcony at the movies?
  1. What did Thurgood Marshall and Donald Murray do together?
  1. What did Thurgood Marshall and Charles work together for?
  1. What was the outcome of “Brown vs. Board of Education”?
  1. What was Marshall the first African American to do?
*Be able to read a timeline. *

Name ______________________Date __________________________
Thurgood Marshall Study Guide

NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Civil Rights: the basic freedoms that all citizens deserve to have because they are citizens
Boycott: refusing to buy, sell, or use certain goods or services as a way to protest
Segregation: a system of keeping some people separate from others
Freedom of Conscience and Expression: the right to think and say as you wish
Debate: when several people discuss different sides of an issue in a formal way.

Segregation caused rules that kept certain groups of people from mixing with other groups.

Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston became good friends and law partners.  Together, the men worked for justice.

The court case was known as “Brown versus the Board of Education”  allowed African American to attend public schools with white children.

Thurgood Marshall served as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America for 24 years.  Marshall was the first African American to become a Supreme Court judge.

Be able to explain how Thurgood Marshall helped improve civil rights.

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Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya