Thursday, December 22, 2011
We're famous! Check us out!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
My momma loves to make them for our class, and each child also has a commemorative card with my favorite quote, "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi with our picture that was on the Mustang Messages!
We also made a sweet treat for parents, so leave the brown decorate bag along until your child gives it to you as a gift! :) Finally, can some parents send in saran wrap? We need to send home the gingerbread houses!
We also made a sweet treat for parents, so leave the brown decorate bag along until your child gives it to you as a gift! :) Finally, can some parents send in saran wrap? We need to send home the gingerbread houses!
FYI - ITBS scored are being mailed out this week.
I am so proud of our kids- hopefully you read the Mustang Messages and saw our class front and center! Doing good for others out of the joy in our hearts is why we do it, but it's pretty awesome to be recognized for our hard work and sacrifice too!
This has been such a thankful season for me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have an impact on your kids' lives. The beautiful part is the return it sends to me-they inspire and influence me so much. I have seen the kids grow so much in just 6 months-they are maturing and learning so much! I am so proud of every single student!
Thank you for all that you do to support your child, his/her learning, and our classroom. This is truly a team effort!
I am so proud of our kids- hopefully you read the Mustang Messages and saw our class front and center! Doing good for others out of the joy in our hearts is why we do it, but it's pretty awesome to be recognized for our hard work and sacrifice too!
This has been such a thankful season for me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have an impact on your kids' lives. The beautiful part is the return it sends to me-they inspire and influence me so much. I have seen the kids grow so much in just 6 months-they are maturing and learning so much! I am so proud of every single student!
Thank you for all that you do to support your child, his/her learning, and our classroom. This is truly a team effort!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
12/20 HW
HW: Study for SS test tomorrow.
The kids will also be bringing home their gingerbread houses from today's party. Thank you to Keri Michaelis and Heather McIlhinney for coordinating and volunteering as well as Judy Chen and Diane Kolosna! We appreciate yall!!! We had a food station, made gingerbread houses and had a karaoke machine!! Here's a peek of our fun!
The kids will also be bringing home their gingerbread houses from today's party. Thank you to Keri Michaelis and Heather McIlhinney for coordinating and volunteering as well as Judy Chen and Diane Kolosna! We appreciate yall!!! We had a food station, made gingerbread houses and had a karaoke machine!! Here's a peek of our fun!
Monday, December 19, 2011
12/19 HW/SS Study Guide
-Study and review the study guide (see below!)
-complete two practice pages (the children have their books so they may use them and earn a 100%!)
Name _______________________________ Date _____________________
-Study and review the study guide (see below!)
-complete two practice pages (the children have their books so they may use them and earn a 100%!)
Name _______________________________ Date _____________________
Economics and Franklin Roosevelt Study Guide Test is ________________.
Franklin Roosevelt was born in ____________________________. He believed in working for the good of others which is called ________________________ .
FDR got a serious disease called _______________________. He visited __________________________________ many times during his lifetime to help relieve the pain of this disease.
How many times was FDR elected President of the US ? _______________
What is an opponent in an election?________________________________
Our country entered a time called the Great Depression during his presidency. What was the Great Depression and what year did it occur? ______________________________________________________________
FDR’s economic plan to help the US was called __________________________. Some of the programs in this plan were:
FDR spoke with the American people on the ___________________. His speeches became known as ________________________________. Most of the American people were not aware that FDR was ______________________.
During his presidency, the US entered World War __________. Our soldiers were trying to ________________________________________________
FDR demonstrated what character trait? _____________________________
What are goods and give 2 examples? _________________________________
What are services and give 2 examples? _______________________________
Who is a producer?_______________________________________________
Who is a producer?_______________________________________________
Who is a consumer?_______________________________________________
How are consumers and producers related?______________________________
What is supply and demand?________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
opportunity cost_________________________________________________
international trade_______________________________________________
natural resources________________________________________________
capital resources_________________________________________________
human resources_________________________________________________
Answers :)
The kids will also receive a copy of this in the event they did not record the proper answers initially.
Thank you Fontana Family!
Today we went to town on this - and did it in about 20 minutes. The kids loved lunch bunch with pizza and capri suns. Thank you to our generous sponsor!! We appreciate you!! We were also complimented during our visit, as well as mentioned THREE times on the Friday announcements. I am so proud of my kiddos! :)
Friday, December 16, 2011
Updates for next week
Today, our internet and networks were down till around 11:30, so I postponed the division timing and "The Fisherman and His Wife" tests until then because I couldn't access anything.
Next week we will conclude our economics unit - we will having 2 hours a day devoted to social studies, and you will receive that study guide on Monday for Wednesday - the test will not be that difficult given the compression of the unit. There will be 10 bonus point opportunities! :)
We will also be celebrating various cultures (10) around the world by learning about what they celebrate at this time of the year. You will actually see crafts and coloring come home (it's like they really are 8!!) Wahooooo!!!!!!
Next week we will conclude our economics unit - we will having 2 hours a day devoted to social studies, and you will receive that study guide on Monday for Wednesday - the test will not be that difficult given the compression of the unit. There will be 10 bonus point opportunities! :)
We will also be celebrating various cultures (10) around the world by learning about what they celebrate at this time of the year. You will actually see crafts and coloring come home (it's like they really are 8!!) Wahooooo!!!!!!
Final Mimosa Update
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! Our final total raised for Mimosa was $250.25!!! See the attached picture! It is truly a pleasure to see inspiration turn into action, and to empower our future generation. I cannot tell you how proud I am of every single child!
We also were recognized on the announcements for our wonderful manners – we have been working on making eye contact with adults and opening and closing our interactions with the proper salutations. J
On Monday, we are having a pizza party (ssshhhh!!) to celebrate, our class Winter party on Tuesday, and receiving goodie bags from my momma on Wednesday.
Thank you very much for all that you do to support your kids, their learning, and our classroom. Ya’ll seriously rock!!!!
Ms. Serafin
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, 12/15 HW
- Study spelling - spelling contract is due tomorrow
- re-read story and review for test
- Math: study division facts for 15 minutes - mult. and div. timings tomorrow!
- Last call to show foreign money to compare and contrast
- Last change to donate to Mimosa! Our giftcard photo and presentation will be tomorrow afternoon!
OVERWHELMED with our generosity!!!
Note: some of our donators are not picutred here.
Our class has done SUCH an amazing job - with just one day left of our fundraising campaign, we are up to $191!!!!!!!!!
We can definitely make it to $200! Remember, even if it is just $1, it is a small sacrifice for someone who is greatly in need!
"The difference between a man who is floating through life and a man who is directional in life is the wake he leaves. Look behind you. If the wake of people behind you are not people who, if asked about you, would say “he really impacted me”, then it is time to get your act together!" -Michael Dean
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Mimosa Gift Card Fundraiser update!
We are doing a wonderful job - as of today we are up to $149!! We are only $26 away from our goal!
Today we were recognized by Mrs. McGee who was invited during our certificate presentation!
I also spoke to the head of the giftcard committee for MBES - only $35 was raised by the entire school for gift cards - our money raised is SERIOUSLY appreciated!!!! So proud of our kiddos!!
Today we were recognized by Mrs. McGee who was invited during our certificate presentation!
I also spoke to the head of the giftcard committee for MBES - only $35 was raised by the entire school for gift cards - our money raised is SERIOUSLY appreciated!!!! So proud of our kiddos!!
Homework 12/14
- Return progress reports - email if you want to review it for longer-just send it back by Friday please.
- ELA: weekly LA homework: spelling contract and study vocab-quiz is tomorrow!
- Math: study division facts for 15 minutes (the kids have a practice test to use as well)
Division Resource:
I have been having the kids study division facts because we are going to start taking division timings on Friday. (We will quiz both - 2:45 seconds for multiplication, 4 minutes for division)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Homework 12/13
- Weekly LA homework: study vocab and spelling contract
- Math: study division (not multiplication) facts for 15 minutes in a new way that is different from yesterday
- SS: if you did not finish the $10 page, please finish it for homework
I love when my old students come to share with me their progress and hard work! It makes my heart smile!
Mimosa Drive!
Proud kids with their certificates, pencils, bookmarks, and classroom gold-a no homework pass!
If your child has donated, he or she will receive a certificate that will be presented in front of the class as well as a NO HOMEWORK PASS (I never do that!!), a pencil and a bookmark of his/her choice! You can still send in donations until Friday! If you do not have cash, you can write me a check for cash or to Jen Serafin and write "Mimosa donation" in the memo line.
Due to reaching $113 on day two with 12 kids and a teacher supporting, we are upping our class goal to $175! I absolutely believe they can do this!!!
Update: Coach Rogers was so inspired by our generosity, he has offered our class a "Free Day" at PE where they would determine the game they play as well as he also donated $5! Generosity is inspiring... pass it on! :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
SS interactive lessons from today/Division Games
The birth of a coin We only looked at Japan for Tamao today but there are 5 countries to research, and it gives history of the currency. The kids were SO engaged in this website!!!
With your permission, the kids are allowed to bring in foreign currency that we will use in lesson tomorrow to compare and contrast currencies around the world. They are making strong text to self connections with currency from places they are from or where they have visited. :)
You can use study island or I did a quick google search of "division games" to study/practice with tonight:
This is just a small sample of what is available on the internet! We only looked at Japan for Tamao today but there are 5 countries to research, and it gives history of the currency. The kids were SO engaged in this website!!!
With your permission, the kids are allowed to bring in foreign currency that we will use in lesson tomorrow to compare and contrast currencies around the world. They are making strong text to self connections with currency from places they are from or where they have visited. :)
You can use study island or I did a quick google search of "division games" to study/practice with tonight:
This is just a small sample of what is available on the internet!
Homework 12/12
- Math: Study division facts for 15 minutes (online games are fine as well, but please focus using division instead of multiplication)
- ELA: weekly homework - spelling contract - the kids started this last week, so really just review the words! :) and beging studying the vocabulary
- (Voluntary) Donation for Mimosa giftcard - So far we are up to $35!! Our goal is $120, and we are going to split that between Wal-mart and Publix for giftcards. Thank you for your help in supporting those less fortunate!! #generosityrules! #empoweringthefuture (there is your twitter hashtags for my technologically savvy folks!)
Curriculum resources for the week
Progress reports: Signed papers will be sent home on Tuesday. Grades will be updated in eSchools+ by tomorrow!
ELA: Vocab quiz Thursday, story and spelling test on Friday.
We will return to our usual spelling contract schedule unless otherwise noted in the daily homework.
Pink group:
Vocabulary Words
- We will not begin our next math unit until Jan. 5th (when the kids return to school). We will be testing for Checkpoints (Fulton County's benchmark assessments) this week during the math time slot as well as working on our graphing performance assessment.
- Please study multiplication and division facts - especially division facts - for our upcoming unit. Students cannot complete multiplication and division with larger numbers without a solid foundation of the basic facts. I will be previewing this material prior to leaving for break to get the kids acclimated to the algorithms, as well as give y'all something to work on over the holiday break. :)
- I saw flashcards at Wal-mart this weekend for $1.47 if you do not have division flashcards.
Economics and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
SS3E1 The student will describe the four types of productive resources:
a. Natural (land)
b. Human (labor)
c. Capital (capital goods)
d. Entrepreneurship (used to create goods and services)
SS3E3 The student will give examples of interdependence and trade and will explain how voluntary exchange benefits both parties.
a. Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers of goods and services.
b. Describe how goods and services are allocated by price in the marketplace.
c. Explain that some things are made locally, some elsewhere in the country, and some in other countries.
d. Explain that most countries create their own currency for use as money.
SS3E4 The student will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and saving choices.
Essential Questions
Why must people make decisions about the use of productive resources?
Why do governments provide goods and services to citizens?
How are consumers and producers interdependent?
How do decisions about spending money have both costs and benefits?
How do decisions about saving money have both costs and benefits?
We will return to our usual spelling contract schedule unless otherwise noted in the daily homework.
Pink group:
Spelling Words
dedication – the will to keep working hard on a task
billowing – rising in big waves
brigade – a group of people organized to do something
ventilate – to create a vent, or an opening, for letting air in and out
flammable – easily set on fire
curfew – law or rule that says something cannot happen after a certain time
Green group:
We will be doing one of my favorite stories from Junior Great Books (they are for advanced only, challenging, and more higher order thinking skills required! YES!) It has a wonderful moral lesson. Ask them about it!
The Fisherman Man and His Wife
Spelling Words
Vocabulary Words:
dreadful-bad, awful
restless- discontented
obliged-had to do something
angled- fished with a hook
fortnight- 2 weeks
larder- a place where food is stored; pantry
herald- messenger
scepter- a staff or baton used as a sign of authority
- We will return to our informational genre this week (since last week was devoted to the Georgia Write Score practice assessment). Please continue to point out informational writing to your children (newspaper, cook books, directions how to put something together, autobiography/biography, etc.)
- In grammar, we will finish possessive pronouns as well as pronoun contractions. Below is the chart we are using....and it's the from the actual quiz - I'm not trying to trick anyone here ;)
Subject Pronoun | Object Pronoun | Possessive Pronoun | Stand Alone Possessive Pronoun |
I | my | ||
you | yours | ||
his | |||
her | |||
It | N/A | ||
We | |||
their |
Contraction | Pronoun/Verb | Contraction | Pronoun/Verb | Contraction | Pronoun/Verb |
I’m | We would | They are | |||
You are | He’ll | She’s | |||
They’ve | She had | You will |
We will also review predicates (complete, simple, and compound).
Friday, December 9, 2011
Homework - 12/9
- None!
- Keep studying facts! The goal is 1 minute for all 36 facts!
- Keep learning more state names!
The kids are pumped. I am constantly reminding them that they are our future and empowering them. You should see them react when I tell them they are the future lawyers, bankers, doctors, teachers, Mom's, engineers, cosmetologists, business owners, etc.
Please send in the $5 by next Friday, then I will get the giftcard(s) that weekend. On Monday we will take a picture to commemorate our joint effort (and submit it to the Fulton County Schools website!!!).
Yall rock!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
PAL day
My sweet PAL Jessie and I with our snowy day crafts. Don't worry I am not quitting my day job any time soon!
Homework 12/8
- Study for multiplication timing - it's going down by 15 seconds! This is very important because we are moving into 2x1 digit number problems (32 X 8) and 2x2 digit numbers problems (64x23) as well as long division for our next math unit. 456/6 and 2 digit divisors 456/12. Get excited!
- Study for science test
- LA - possessive pronoun page f/b
- Also, I wanted to shout-out to all of the winners for the 3rd grade ice cream social from the Fall Carnival silent auction- I feel so honored - 50% of the attendees are from my class!!! I love ya'll too! :)
Mason Beckett/3/Davis will bring Jamie Barbosa/3/Davis
Luke Michaelis/3/Serafin will bring Foster Michaelis/4/Cox
Maddie Bernard/3/Serafin will bring Abby Rose/3/Serafin
Lana Whitfield/3/Bellagamba will bring Sophia Egolf/3/Bellagamba
Molly McIlhinney/Serafin will bring Kelsie Young/Molesa
Matthew Press/Serafin will bring Christopher Donnelly/Serafin
To those attending, it is next Thursday after school until 3:30!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Orchestra Concert
It was such a pleasure to cheer on Ethan and one of my old students Kelsey during their performance this afternoon!
Patiently waiting to perform!
He's almost as tall as me!
Kelsey's piece
Kelsey and I
12/7 homework
- Math: review study guide for test tomorrow
- Green: pg. 50, 51, 54, 55, 57 F/B - while these seems like a lot - there are about 4-5 problems on each page.
- Pink: review line graphs and 53, 55, 57 F/B
- ELA: review star writing resources to prepare for tomorrow since they can't use the resources during the assessment
- Science: Continue reviewing and studying the study guide (the goal that it would be spread of Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday night to alleviate the stress of studying all the night before) :)
Here's a shout out to my students from last year-I went to go see their Junior Titans football game! I am the third child of the Lark family!
Yesterday I went to one of my student's from my first year basketball to watch her cheer. She is in high school and taller than me!! Shout-out Tay!
Love these kids! I'm going borrow Nora to play dress up with!
One of the siblings of my old student's at her baptism! I might also be the third child of the Strauss family!
Giving back instead of giving to each other!
Hi ya'll! Serving the the less fortunate is one of my passions! I'm an active member of Junior League, on the board for Wellspring League - we support and advocate for Wellspring Living, serve on the Academic Committee with Kenya Children's Fun, hold various leadership roles at Buckhead Church, and have traveled internationally to Africa twice and Haiti once. This summer I am returning to both Kenya and Haiti! Plus, I have a hard time turning down a volunteer opportunity locally! The reason I give you my service resume is because I think it's really important to impart this to our kids and their generation. It really helps them get some perspective as well as be grateful for what they do have when they start to sacrifice for others' needs.
We have a few things going on at school to help others and engage your kids! We are currently collecting books for Mimosa as well as taking giftcard donations to adopt families there.
I have also asked that in lieu of Christmas/holiday gifts for me, that a donation be made to Kenya Children's Fund or Wellspring Living in my honor. You can donate as little as $1 to feed an orphan for a week in Kenya. This is a tangible way to our kids how to be a little less selfish around the holidays and see where they can give to others.
I challenge you to talk with your kids and maybe donate a week's allowance towards a giftcard for Mimosa or finding some books in their shelves that are no longer being loved.
When we talked about our Pollution/Recycling unit in science, we also discussed donating our old clothes to someone we know who needs them or to Goodwill. There are also some cool ways to reuse old things to make new, awesome things.
Please partner with me and help your child see the value in this!
Here is the message I sent out:
We have a few things going on at school to help others and engage your kids! We are currently collecting books for Mimosa as well as taking giftcard donations to adopt families there.
I have also asked that in lieu of Christmas/holiday gifts for me, that a donation be made to Kenya Children's Fund or Wellspring Living in my honor. You can donate as little as $1 to feed an orphan for a week in Kenya. This is a tangible way to our kids how to be a little less selfish around the holidays and see where they can give to others.
I challenge you to talk with your kids and maybe donate a week's allowance towards a giftcard for Mimosa or finding some books in their shelves that are no longer being loved.
When we talked about our Pollution/Recycling unit in science, we also discussed donating our old clothes to someone we know who needs them or to Goodwill. There are also some cool ways to reuse old things to make new, awesome things.
Please partner with me and help your child see the value in this!
Here is the message I sent out:
! I do not want to seem presumptuous at all, but I would like to honor those less fortunate this season by asking that instead of buying me a gift that parents would donate to one of the charities that I serve, either domestically or internationally. Civic responsibility and giving back is a really important idea to teach the kids, and this is a tangible way to show them that.
Wellspring Living: offers rehabilitative services to women and children trapped in CSEC (I serve on the board of Wellspring League – an advocacy group to involve young professionals in the organization)
Kenya Children’s Fund: we have two schools in one of the top-ten worst slums in the world in Nairobi, Kenya Please realize that no donation is too small – if you would normally spend $5 on a coffee mug for me, there are gifts on here to provide food for an orphan for a week for $1, and increasing. If you do not like an “alternate gift,” the general donation page is: I have worked at this school in 2009, 2010, and I am going in May of 2012. I serve as an educational consultant and on the academic committee with the CEO, managing partner in Kenya, and two collegiate professors. This organization is very near to my heart, as are the kids in Africa. It might also be a cool lesson in talking about the gift of education and basic necessities like clean drinking water, a home, and food to eat. It really gives our children here some perspective and gratefulness for the blessings we abundantly have.
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Ms. Serafin in Kenya