- 4 word problems - show your work, underline the key words, etc.
- HOTS POW day 1 - see below
- Study vocabulary and spelling words (see below about NO spelling contract)
- Green: Prefix page (front only)
- Pink: nonfiction summary page (the side with 2 items)
Pink Spelling/Vocab:
In the Days of King Adobe
Spelling Words
thrifty – careful in spending
generous – large; plentiful
rascally – naughty; dishonest
roguish – treacherous; dishonest
fascinated – amazed and intrigued
Green Spelling/Vocab:
Stone Fox- Week 1
Spelling Words
Vocabulary Words
harmonica- a small, bar-shaped musical instrument with a row of metal reeds inside
palomino- a horse with a light tan coat and a whitish mane and tail
harness- a set of leather straps and metal pieces used to attach an animal to a vehicle or plow
strongbox- a box made of sturdy material such as steal that is used to hold valuables
mature- fully grown or developed
derringer- a short-barreled pistol that has a large bore and is small enough to be carried in a pocket
taxes- money that people or businesses must pay in order to support a government
Announcement: We will NO LONGER complete a weekly spelling contract. It is your responsibility to study spelling at home without having a mandated contract to turn in. If our grades drop, I will reinstate spelling contract.
Instead, we are completing our "HOTS POW" - Higher Order Thinking Skills Problem of the Week. The four problem-solving steps are divided up over the four days of the week. Please see the instructions below!
Third Grade HOTS Problem of the Week
Our higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) problem of the week will strengthen our problem-solving skills. This problem will be homework throughout the week, and is due on Friday.
Daily Tasks
Monday: Determine what information you know and decide what the question is asking. Be sure to write in complete sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.
Tuesday: What is your plan to solve the problem? See below for problem-solving strategies. Will you draw a picture? Work backwards? Complete two steps to get the answer?
Wednesday: Solve the problem. Show all of your work. Be sure to use labels.
Thursday: Thoroughly explain how you solved the problem. Be sure to write in complete sentences and correct spelling punctuation.
Friday: Turn in the HOTS problem.
Problem Solving Strategies
· Draw a picture
· Make a graph
· Make a graph
· Work backwards
· Find a pattern
- Make a table or list
· Guess and check
· Use logical reasoning
Our problem of the week this week is DUE ON FRIDAY. All steps must be thoroughly written out and explained.
Problem of the Week #1 Date _________________________
The Costume Store sold half of its supply of costumes on Friday. Eight more were sold on Saturday. Then there were only 24 left in the store. How many costumes were in the store when it opened on Friday?
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Today we began our unit on Government:
Social Studies Lesson Plan: Unit 5 Branches/Levels of the Government
SS3CG1a. Explain why in the United States there is a separation of power between branches of government and levels of government.
b. Name the three levels of government and the three branches in each including the names of the legislative branch (Congress, General Assembly, county commission or city council)
c. State an example of the responsibilities of each level and branch of government.
Why is the power of government divided among the three branches and across three levels (national, state, local)?
It is a 5 day unit, we will test on Friday. We will move right into Thurgood Marshall after the three branches of government.
There are plenty more, but we used some Mimios today instead!
There are plenty more, but we used some Mimios today instead!
We also begin Persuasive Writing today!!
Persuasion- 7 weeks
ELA3W2The student produces a persuasive piece of writing that:
a. Captures a reader’s interest by stating a clear position/opinion and developing a point of view.
b. Sustains a focus.
c. Includes the appropriate purpose, expectations, and length for audience and the genre.
d. Adds supportive details throughout the paper that may include relevant examples, facts, and anecdotes.
e. Uses appropriate organizational structures to ensure coherence (introduction, body, conclusion) and appropriate formats (speech, brochure, advertisement, movie and book reviews).
f. Provides a sense of closure.
g. May include pre-writing.
h. May include a revised and edited draft.
i. May be published.
Essential Questions:
What is my opinion about this text and what can I use from the text to support my opinion?
Based on purpose, genre, expectations, audience, or length, how can you choose an appropriate focus and organizational pattern?
What is persuasive writing?
Our focus skill this week is affixes. Affixes are prefixes and suffixes.
Affixes: prefixes and suffixes
Prefix: group of letters (or part of a word) that is added onto the beginning of a word that will change the meaning of the root word
· Re
· Un
· Im
· In
· Pre
· Ex
· Non
· Anti
· Dis
· Mid
· Mis
· Multi
· Exter
· Inter
· Outer
· Inner
· Semi
· Il
· Di
· Bio
· Auto
· Uni
· Bi
· Tri
· Self
· Co
· Over
· Cent
· Quad
Serafin's Superstars BRAG BOARD:
How are we connecting the Medlock Bridge Vision in our classroom:
In order to “educate and inspire all students to be lifelong learners” we commit to provide students with access to opportunities to become socially, emotionally, academically and physically well-rounded individuals. We envision a community where:
A. Staff members teach, model and guide each student to accept responsibility for learning, decisions, and actions.
B. Staff members provide students with guidance to develop individual goals and monitor progress through ongoing self-reflection.
C. Students demonstrate pride in themselves, their peers, their education and the school community.
D. Students are motivated, inquisitive, take risks in their learning experiences and develop critical thinking skills.
E. Students have fun learning.
Community Support
In order to “educate and inspire all students to be lifelong learners” we value the importance of collaborative relationships with our extended community – Parent/Teacher Association, Foundation, Local School Council, families, residents, business partners, government agencies, and other educational organizations. We envision a community where:
F. The school promotes community involvement of all stakeholders through volunteer efforts, service experiences and leadership opportunities.
School Climate
In order to “educate and inspire all students to be lifelong learners” we commit to create a safe, positive school climate that fosters a strong sense of community and spirit of pride among all stakeholders. We envision a community where:
A. Staff members and parents commit to take ownership and actively uphold the school’s mission, vision and goals.
B. Staff members are entrusted and supported to create an environment of engaging, rigorous work and memorable experiences.
C. Everyone creates a welcoming environment that embodies mutual respect along with a value for diverse perspectives and experiences.
Congratulations Serafin’s Superstars!
*Fulton County Schools Board of Education website – homepage for our Mimosa fundraiser and efforts!
*February Service Project: food drive for the Atlanta Community Food Bank
*Spirit the Mustang Spirit Wear Contest Winners for January
*Mrs. Avery’s Art Class Positively Perfect Purple Pencil Awards this week!
I am SO proud of the hearts you have for others and the examples you set for the school!
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