Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Updated Spelling Contract/ Book

Updated Serafin Spelling Contract:
Every week, complete the mandatory assignments.  Then choose at least one activity for each of the areas:  Technological Literacy and Writer’s Craft/Vocabulary Acquisition.   
Mandatory Assignments:  -complete both
1.     Cursive 3x’s each
2.    End of the week Pretest with a parent/guardian signature verifying your score.  Write each incorrect word 5 times.
Writer’s Craft/Vocabulary Acquisition:   -choose one (any of these can be typed!)

1.     Pick ten words to write sentences that include Writer’s Craft.  Underline the spelling words.  Sentences must be at least 7 words long and have at least one element of Writer’s Craft (sassy sentences, strong verbs, sensory details, figurative language, etc.).
2.    Use Storybird.com to write sentences for ten words.  Each word has its own illustration.    
a.   Log in:  Jserafin  Password:  123456
b.  Click on students, then choose your name
3.    Picture Illustration Elaboration:
a.   Pick ten words:  write a synonym or antonym for each of them.
b.  Illustrate at least two of these words using the picture elaboration.  You may draw, cut out pictures from magazines (collage), or print pictures.
4.    Write poetry using any ten of your words. You may write one long poem or a few shorter ones.
5.    Write a letter (business or friendly) to someone.  Include ten of your spelling words.
6.    Powerpoint Presentation – Pick ten words (1 slide per word) and use writer’s craft.
7.    Write a play or reader’s theater that includes 10 words.
8.    Create a crossword puzzle using ten of your words on www.puzzlemaker.com – you must write the definitions for ten words, and then solve the crossword puzzle.      
Technological Literacy:   - choose one
1.     Create a wordle of this week’s spelling words.  Print and attach to your contract.  http://www.wordle.net/create
2.    www.spellingcity.com and do 2 different activities with your list.  Print one page if possible or have a parent/guardian sign here:  ___________________
a.   Log in: serafinj  Password: spelling
3.    www.puzzlemaker.com – create a word search, print, then find all 20 words.
4.    Storybird (see above)
5.    Powerpoint presentation (see above)
*Have another creative idea or suggestion?  Submit it to Ms. Serafin for approval!


Mr. Popper's Penguins - reading online

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