Monday, December 19, 2011

12/19 HW/SS Study Guide


-Study and review the study guide  (see below!)
-complete two practice pages (the children have their books so they may use them and earn a 100%!)

Name _______________________________ Date _____________________
Economics and Franklin Roosevelt Study Guide    Test is ________________.

Franklin Roosevelt was born in ____________________________.  He believed in working for the good of others which is called ________________________ .
FDR got a serious disease called _______________________.  He visited __________________________________ many times during his lifetime to  help relieve the pain of this disease. 
How many times was FDR elected President of the US? _______________
What is an opponent in an election?________________________________
Our country entered a time called the Great Depression during his presidency.  What was the Great Depression and what year did it occur? ______________________________________________________________
FDR’s economic plan to help the US was called __________________________.  Some of the programs in this plan were:
FDR spoke with the American people on the ___________________.  His speeches became known as ________________________________.  Most of the American people were not aware that FDR was ______________________. 
During his presidency, the US entered World War __________.   Our soldiers were trying to ________________________________________________
FDR demonstrated what character trait? _____________________________

What are goods and give 2 examples? _________________________________
What are services and give 2 examples? _______________________________
Who is a producer?_______________________________________________
Who is a consumer?_______________________________________________
How are consumers and producers related?______________________________
What is supply and demand?________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
opportunity cost_________________________________________________
international trade_______________________________________________
natural resources________________________________________________

capital resources_________________________________________________
human resources_________________________________________________

Answers  :)

The kids will also receive a copy of this in the event they did not record the proper answers initially. 


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Ms. Serafin in Kenya

Ms. Serafin in Kenya